Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1the nature of the Health and Safety Act of 1999Summary sheet
2regulation 3 (1-3) as it relates to the need for Risk AssessmentsSummary sheet
3how to access information from the Health and Safety Executive websiteSummary sheet
4a minimum of four reasons why it is necessary to write a Risk Assessment before an activity, eg it reduces the incidences of accidents, increases the quality of the activity, fewer compensation claims, maintains our good nameSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

5a minimum of three common safety risks involved in any activity, eg slip, trips, falls and liftingSummary sheet
6how 'Health and Safety' is often used as an excuse for not dealing with a problemSummary sheet
7a minimum of three qualities of good risk management, eg reduction of REAL risks, ensuring individuals are properly protected, enabling individuals to exercise responsibilitySummary sheet
8a minimum of three qualities necessary for a competent Risk Assessor, eg experience of the activity, familiarity with the work place/site of activity, appropriate training, ability to recognise their own limitationsSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

9identify at least two hazards associated with an activitySummary sheet and student completed work
10identify who or what is at risk for each hazardStudent completed work
11understand the terms severity and likelihood in relation to risksStudent completed work
12evaluate each risk giving them a risk rating of severity x likelihoodStudent completed work
13record the completed Risk Assessment using the standard form provided.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 7 February 2014Level - Entry Level