The work we want to do

Subject choice, attainment and stereotyping

09 December 2022

Phoebe Surridge discusses some insights from the literature on how a student’s gender may impact subject choice and outcomes.

Geography: diverse people and places

10 August 2022

Stacey Hill looks at how we’re looking ahead to ensure the future landscape of Geography is fully diverse and inclusive.

Economics: where are all the girls?

Dr Roberta Keys explores what can be done about the gender imbalance in Economics on the AQi blog.

Drivers and implications of post-16 education

07 July 2021

To what extent do young people’s beliefs, experiences and home circumstances influence their educational choices and future socio-economic status?

Our research into inclusion and attainment

05 March 2020

Discover how attending the annual Inclusion and Inspiration Conference is informing our researcher Katy’s approach to inclusion.