Updates to awarding marks to performances – summer 2019

Published: Thursday 4 Jul 2019

Ofqual changes for GCSE and A-level Music and Dance mean that for summer 2019 and onwards, we’re removing the requirement to award zero marks for performances in both subjects that do not reach the minimum (and/or maximum for dance) time requirement.

We’ve also changed our approach to GCSE Drama and AS and A-level Drama and Theatre to bring these in line with Music and Dance.

Changes for summer 2019

We’ve now finalised our approach with Ofqual and the penalty that will be applied instead of zero marks where students haven’t met the minimum (or maximum for dance) time requirement.

  • For GCSE, AS and A-level Music, Dance and Drama there will be a mark reduction applied to the work of students who do not meet the timing requirements.
  • The size of this reduction will be proportionate to the severity of the timing infringement, starting with 5% of the total available raw mark for work that is between 1 and 30 seconds short, or long for AS and A-level Dance only, and increasing by a further 5% with each subsequent 30 second band.
  • If required, the penalty will be rounded up to the nearest whole mark.

We’ll apply any necessary mark deductions for summer 2019. For centre assessed components schools/ colleges will have declared whether or not their students have met the timing requirements. For examined components, our examiners have already notified us of the timings. We’re currently updating our Music, Dance and Drama specifications to reflect this change of approach.

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