Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1complete at least one simple food preparation activitySummary sheet
2carry out at least three simple food preservation techniques using food that was going to be wasted from the programmeStudent completed work or Summary sheet
3find at least three recipients of food from the programme such as friends and family, ie use basic sales & marketing skillsStudent completed work or Summary sheet
4communicate with others about the subject of food wasteStudent completed work or Summary sheet

shown knowledge of

5three principle features of social enterpriseStudent completed work or Summary sheet
6three roles and related tasks that the learner could carry out in a food surplus social enterpriseStudent completed work or Summary sheet
7at least two causes and effects of food waste in the supply chainStudent completed work or Summary sheet


8questioning food surplus business representativesSummary sheet
9collecting food surplus from a local shop or supermarket.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 30 October 2017Level - Level One