Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify the following in order of size: a town, city, village and hamletSummary sheet
2identify at least two different sizes of settlement on a simple mapSummary sheet
3interpret a simple graph showing information about world urban populationSummary sheet
4label at least three parts of a diagram of a city in a developed country using the words 'CBD', 'conurbation', 'countryside', 'inner city' or 'suburbs'Student completed work
5express an opinion about a way in which a shanty town could be improvedSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

6at least two changes which have taken place in part of a city in the UK since 1990Summary sheet
7one 'push' factor and two 'pull' factors for migration in a city in a less developed countrySummary sheet
8a case study of an example of a shanty town, including its location, at least two characteristics and two problemsSummary sheet
9what is meant by the term 'eco-settlement' and at least two benefits it could bring for peopleSummary sheet


10labelling and/or completing simple maps, graphs, diagrams and photographs, as appropriateSummary sheet
11recognising features and extracting information, as appropriateSummary sheet
12doing simple map reading tasks, as appropriateSummary sheet
13using appropriate geographical vocabulary relevant to 'settlement'.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 31 January 2012Level - Entry Level