Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1collect one newspaper article and one magazine articleSummary sheet
2identify five key features of an articleStudent completed work
3work as part of a group to highlight at least two examples of emotive language used in the articlesSummary sheet
4work as part of a group to highlight a minimum of two connectives used in the articlesSummary sheet
5work as part of a group to highlight the structure used in one of the articlesSummary sheet
6match five headlines to the correct articleStudent completed work
7create a plan for their own article on a specified questionStudent completed work
8write a draft articleStudent completed work
9proofread their article, with a focus on their use of emotive languageStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

10how to use a thesaurus to improve their vocabulary choiceSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

11produce a final draft of their article.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 23 December 2021Level - Level One