Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1take part in group reading a 20th or 21st century literary extract Summary sheet
2tackle unknown words by making use of at least two reading strategies, eg suffixes, prefixes, grammatical knowledge, inferenceSummary sheet
3offer their opinion about the conclusion to the literary extract and give a reason for their opinionSummary sheet


4listening to other people's opinions about how the extract concludedSummary sheet
5asking questions to gain a greater understanding about other people's opinions on the extractSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

6respond to a given opinion about the literary extract saying whether they agree or disagreeStudent completed work
7under a column heading 'Point', use given prompts to record in a table four reasons why they agree or disagree with the given opinionStudent completed work
8record onto the table, under a column headed 'Evidence,' evidence from the text that supports each of the four reasons they've givenStudent completed work
9with support, record onto the table under a column headed 'Explain' an explanation of how the evidence links to the pointStudent completed work
10use the information in the table to write a short Point, Evidence, Explain, Link (PEEL) response to the initial opinion.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 23 December 2021Level - Level One