Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1how electric current and voltage are measured and the effect of resistance on currentStudent completed work
2the difference between a direct current and an alternating currentStudent completed work
3the correct wiring of a three-pin plug, including the correct choice of fuse and the function of the earth wireStudent completed work
4the relationship between power, energy and the time for which an electrical device is usedStudent completed work
5what happens when the poles of two magnets are brought close together and what the pattern of magnetic fields between bar magnets looks likeStudent completed work
6how to make a simple electromagnet and at least one use of an electromagnetStudent completed work
7the difference between a longitudinal and a transverse waveStudent completed work
8what is meant by wavelength and amplitude and how to calculate wave speedStudent completed work
9the names of the seven wavelength groups in the electromagnetic spectrumStudent completed work
10a practical use for each of the seven wavelengths including a brief reason for this in each case.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 13 January 2016Level - Entry Level