Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1explain at least three generic skills that are needed to solve problems in relation to the world of workStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
2participate in at least two group problem solving challenges relating to people at workSummary sheet
3participate in at least two group problem solving challenges relating to tasks at workSummary sheet
4participate in at least two group problem solving challenges relating to resources at workSummary sheet
5analyse the main issues in a given work related problem solving scenarioStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
6play a major part in a group problem solving activitySummary sheet
7show initiative when solving a problem on ownSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

8at least two ways of solving a problem relating to people encountered at workStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
9at least two ways of solving a problem relating to undertaking a task at workStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
10at least two ways of solving a problem relating to resources encountered at workStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
11at least three consequences for a business if problems are allowed to build upStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
12at least three of own skills which are important in problem solvingStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
13an example of where a problem might require a reactive problem solving approach.Student completed work and/or summary sheet
14an example of where a problem might require a proactive problem solving approach.Student completed work and/or summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 4 September 2012Level - Level Two