Notes and guidance: Example materials webinar transcript

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Hi, welcome to this online training for the amended FCSE specification. This webcast will look at some example material for this specification. My name is Janet Smith and I will be taking you through the presentation. I have been involved with FCSE since the very start and taught it for many years. I am the Chief Examiner for French. This webcast is designed to exemplify some of the main assessment criteria of the amended FCSE. We will be looking at some examples for the new translation element for reading as well as examples for both the externally and internally set speaking and writing assignments.

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Each of the reading papers at Pass, Merit and Distinction now starts with a translation task. Each task will comprise one sentence and will be worth 2 marks. This mark will multiply up by 2 for Merit and by 3 for Distinction, as is the case with the rest of the papers. The increased difficulty across the different levels will be achieved by the use of more challenging vocabulary and structures. Each answer will be marked for communicating the key message.

This task is from the Pass specimen materials.

Each sentence in the translation task is worth 2 marks. Here we have 3 responses. Student 1 scores 2 marks as this is the direct translation of the sentence. Student 2 scores 1 mark as the key message of behind is missing. Student 3 scores 2 marks as the key message is communicated.

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This task is from the Merit specimen materials. Student 1 scores 2 marks which is then multiplied up by 2 as this is a Merit Task. Student 2 also scores 2 marks as the key messages are communicated. Student 3 scores 1 mark. The first element is not correct but the second one is. The marks are not inter dependent.

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This is a Distinction level task. The first task scores 2 marks as the direct translation of the French. This would then be mulitplied up by 3 as this is Distinction level. Student 2 also scores 2 marks as the message is conveyed without the inclusion of because. Content is a synonym for happy in English so is accepted. Student 3 scores 1 mark as the key message that it is one week holiday is not expressed.

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This is an example of an internally set task. There are different options which are targeted at each of the 3 different levels. This is the Pass level task. To achieve a Pass the student must give a minimum of 4 items of information, including at least one opinion and the successful use of one time frame.

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For a Merit the student must give a minimum of 6 items of information, including at least one opinion and the successful use of the past or the future as well as the present.

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For a Distinction the student must give a minimum of 8 items of information, including at least one opinion and the successful use of the past and the future as well as the present.

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Let's listen to the first student.

Je regarde les films policiers

Je regarde les films d’amour

Je regarde les films d’horreur

J’aime les westerns

J’adore Emma Watson

This is the transcript of our first student. We start by deciding how many time frames have successfully been communicated. As we only have one this piece will be at Pass level. We then look at how many pieces of information are conveyed. We have 5 pieces of information here but as the first 3 sentences all use the same verb and structure only one of these details is credited. We therefore have 3 items of information for consideration with 1 time frame, 7 marks are therefore awarded.

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Let's listen to the second student.

Je regarde les films d’action

Je regarde les films à la maison

Je regarde les films avec ma famille

Je regarde les films le weekend

J’aime les films d’action

Je préfère Daniel Craig

Je regarde Skyfall récemment

Je voudrais regarde Spectre

This is the transcript for our second student. We again start by deciding how many time frames have successfully been communicated. Our student has attempted 3 time frames but there are some errors. The present is communicated effectively but the sentence about Skyfall is rejected as there is ambiguity in the sentence. We are unsure as to whether the student intends the present or the past. The final sentence however is accepted. The use of voudrais makes it clear the future is intended. We therefore have 2 time frames. What about the number of items of information? As in the last example each of the first 4 sentences starts with the same verb. In this case however each sentence answers a different question - what?, where? who with? and when? They are therefore all accepted. 2 time frames with 6 plus items of information including an opinion is awarded 20 marks, 10 marks multiplied by 2 as this is Merit.

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Let's listen to our third student

Je regarde les comédies

Je regarde les films au cinéma

Je vais avec mes amis

Je vais au cinéma vendredi soir

J’aime le popcorn au cinéma

Mon acteur préfère c’est Zac Efron

Hier j’ai allé voir High School Musical

Je voudrais regarde 17 Again

The transcript for our third student. Once again we have repetition of structures but they again answer different questions so are accepted. There are also errors with the conjugation of the verbs used for the past and future time frames but there is no ambiguity with either of them so they are both accepted. We therefore have 3 time frames, 8 pieces of information including an opinion so 30 marks are awarded. 10 marks multiplied by 3 as this is Distinction.

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This is an example of an externally set task. Each of these is a role play and the student must include one of these in their portfolio. It does not however have to be the speaking task that is submitted. There are once again different options which target each of the 3 different levels. This is the Pass level task. To achieve a Pass the student must convey the key messages in a minimum of 4 of the bullet points. To achieve full marks one of them must include an opinion

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For a Merit the student must convey the key messages in a minimum of 6 of the bullet points. To achieve full marks one of them must include an opinion. The student must also include one of the additional sentences using either the past or the future time frame unambiguously.

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For a Distinction the student must convey the key messages in all 8 of the bullet points. They must include an opinion and both of the additional sentences, using the past and future time frames unambiguously.

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Let's listen to the first example of the role play

J’aime jouer au basket

Je vais en ville

Il y a un bowling

Je vais au cinéma le weekend

Here is the transcript. This is an attempt at the Pass level as there is no attempt at either of the additional sentences. The student successfully communicates 3 key messages. What they like doing, what there is for young people in their town and when they go to the cinema. The second sentence is rejected as there is no mention of Saturday. This therefore scores 7 - one time frame with 3 details.

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Let's listen to our second example.

J’aime lire

Je préféré vendredi

Samedi je do au parc

Je n’ai pas le sport

Il y a un parc

Hier j’ai regardé la television

And here is the transcript. There are errors in this piece which mean some messages are not communicated. There are however 2 time frames and an opinion. Although the verb in the 2nd sentence is mispronounced the message is communicated. In sentences 3 and 4 however, although we know what the student is trying to say, it doesn't quite come across and both sentences are therefore rejected.This piece therefore scores 12, 6 marks multiplied by 2 for 4 key messages and the unambiguous use of 2 time frames.

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And finally student 3

J’adore faire le cheval

Mon jour préfère c’est dimanche

Samedi j’écouter la musique

Je n’aime pas faire devoirs

Il y a beaucoup à faire en ville

Je vais cinéma le weekend

Hier soir je regardé un film

Je voudrais jouer le cricket

Our final student for speaking scores a maximum of 30, 10 marks multiplied by 3 as this is Distinction. There are errors in each of these sentences but the piece is marked for communication not accuracy. Each of the key messages is conveyed. Once again the use of the time phrase hier soir makes all the difference to the communication.

Let's now move to the writing.

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Let's start with the internally set tasks. This is an example of an internally set task taken from the current FCSE. This task is set out in the same way as the internally set speaking tasks. There are different options which are targeted at each of the 3 different levels. This is Pass level. To achieve a Pass the student must give a minimum of 4 items of information, including at least one opinion and the successful use of one time frame.

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For a Merit the student must give a minimum of 6 items of information, including at least one opinion and the successful use of the past or the future as well as the present.

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For a Distinction the student must give a minimum of 8 items of information, including at least one opinion and the successful use of the past and the future as well as the present.

Let's have a look at our first example.

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The student has made an attempt at 4 of the sentences. There is only one time frame so this is at Pass level. Although we know exactly what the student is trying to say in the first sentence it does not communicate successfully and is therefore rejected. This student therefore has 3 sentences that communicate and scores 7.

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This piece has the unambiguous use of 2 time frames and has the required 6 pieces of information. The information produced is not in the same order as the prompts and may include some unexpected information but it does fulfil all that is necessary for full marks at Merit and is therefore worth 20 marks, 10 marks multiplied by 2.

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This candidate has produced 8 pieces of information and 3 time frames. Although there are errors in many of the sentences none of them affect communication and are therefore all accepted. 30 marks are awarded, 10 marks multiplied by 3. Once again the time indicator in the 6th sentence makes all the difference to the communication. C'était super is accepted as we know what it refers to. An opinion like this by itself would be rejected.

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This is an example of an externally set task for writing. Each of these is a translation task from English into the target language and the student must include one of these in their portfolio. There are once again different options which target each of the 3 different levels as in all the other speaking and writing tasks. Differentiation is by outcome. This is the pass level task. To achieve a Pass the student must translate the key messages in a minimum of 4 of the bullet points. To achieve full marks one of them must include an opinion.

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For a Merit the student must translate the key messages in a minimum of 6 of the bullet points. To achieve full marks one of them must include an opinion. The student must also include one of the additional sentences using either the past or the future time frame unambiguously.

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For a Distinction the student must translate the key messages in all 8 of the bullet points. They must include an opinion and both of the additional sentences, using the past and future time frames unambiguously. Let's have a look at some examples.

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Our first student has produced 4 sentences with one time frame. There are errors but the communication is clear in each sentence. This piece however is only awarded 7 marks as there is no opinion. The deduction is only applied if the piece would otherwise score full marks.

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Our second student attempts 2 time frames, the present and the past, and also 7 of the bullet points. The final sentence using the past tense, although not perfect is accepted as the key message has been translated and there is no ambiguity. Sentence 2 however is rejected as music is in English. The 5th sentence is also rejected as the key message of every day is not included. 5 pieces of information using 2 time frames including an opinion is therefore awarded 16 marks, 8 multiplied by 2.

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This student has attempted all 8 bullet points of this brief. Sentences 2 and 4 however are not accepted. In sentence 2 there is no mention of listening and in sentence 4 guitar is in English. There are however 3 time frames communicated without ambiguity, the piece has 6 pieces of information including an opinion so 24 marks are awarded. 8 multi[;ied by 3.

I hope these examples have been useful in illustrating the main points of the assessment criteria and how they are applied. The cornerstone of all of the assessment is the conveying of key messages without ambiguity.

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If you have further queries please contact the languages team at AQA using the details here.

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We have now come to the end of this webcast. Thank you for taking the time to listen.