
September 2019

6 September

GCSE Drama updated set plays for first teaching in 2020

We’re replacing three of our set plays for GCSE Drama (8261). The change will affect first teaching in September 2020 with exams taking place in summer 2022.

July 2019

4 July

Updates to awarding marks to performances – summer 2019

Ofqual changes for GCSE and A-level Music and Dance mean that for summer 2019 and onwards, we’re removing the requirement to award zero marks for performances in both subjects that do not reach the minimum (and/or maximum for dance) time

May 2019

9 May

Changes to awarding marks for performances – summer 2019

The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) have made changes to how marks are awared for performances.

1 May

Find out about exams in our new podcast series

We’re excited to announce that we’ve teamed up with Craig Barton on our new series of podcasts, Inside Exams.