4.10 Fundamentals of databases

Conceptual data models and entity relationship modelling


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Produce a data model from given data requirements for a simple scenario involving multiple entities.


Produce entity relationship diagrams representing a data model and entity descriptions in the form: Entity1 (Attribute1, Attribute2, .... ).

Underlining can be used to identify the attribute(s) which form the entity identifier.

Relational databases


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Explain the concept of a relational database.


Be able to define the terms:

  • attribute
  • primary key
  • composite primary key
  • foreign key.

Database design and normalisation techniques


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Normalise relations to third normal form.

Students should know what properties are possessed by a relation in third normal form.

Understand why databases are normalised.


Structured Query Language (SQL)


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Be able to use SQL to retrieve, update, insert and delete data from multiple tables of a relational database.


Be able to use SQL to define a database table.


Client server databases


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Know that a client server database system provides simultaneous access to the database for multiple clients.

Know how concurrent access can be controlled to preserve the integrity of the database.

Concurrent access can result in the problem of updates being lost if two clients edit a record at the same time. This problem can be managed by the use of record locks, serialisation, timestamp ordering, commitment ordering.