Character reference request form

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Please complete the following form to the best of your knowledge about the applicant mentioned below.

Applicant information

Your information

Your working history with applicant

Subjects taught

Please provide details on the subject (eg English Language, Spanish…) and qualification (eg A-level, GCSE, ELC…) at all levels that the applicant has taught at the above educational centre.

You can click the + button to add additional relevant subjects and levels where appropriate.

If stating other qualifications that are not listed on the drop down options, please select ‘GCSE’ and/or ‘A-level’ on the form, and specify these other qualifications in the ‘other information’ box found at the bottom of the form.

Applicant performance information

Can they work under pressure and meet a deadline?

Can they deal with administrative tasks promptly and quickly?

If you have answered 'No' to either of the above questions, please provide a brief explanation for clarification.

  • I have understood the questions on this form and answered to the best of my knowledge
  • I agree to the terms and conditions
  • I consent to my personal data being processed and kept in accordance with AQA's privacy notice, the UK General Data Protection Regulation (2021), and the UK Data Protection Act (2018).