Post-16 GCSE English Language: latest updates and resources

Published: Wednesday 15 Feb 2023

You may have seen our dedicated post-16 GCSE English Language Spotlight teaching resource packs. These expert-led resources have been designed to help you focus your teaching and engage your post-16 students on the things that make the most difference.

We’ve also published some post-16 case studies, providing tried and tested strategies from experienced post-16 educational leaders.

As part of our ongoing commitment to post-16 GCSE English Language support, we’ve now updated our post-16 reading support guide for Paper 2, and Paper 1 is coming soon.

There are seven pairs of texts designed to be explored together, which will support students in preparing for question 4 on Paper 2 – the comparison of two whole texts. You can find out more about Paper 2 question 4 in the post-16 Spotlight resources.

We’ve provided non-fiction and literary non-fiction sources, specially selected to engage post-16 students, and framed them with questions that encourage the reading and analysis skills needed for GCSE English.

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