Spoken Language endorsement: important reminders for 2023

Published: Tuesday 21 Mar 2023

As it’s been three years since external verification last took place, we’re looking forward to once again, being able to see and hear from your students for the GCSE English Language 8700/C component.

To make sure the Spoken Language endorsement tests run as smoothly as possible, we have a few reminders of the requirements for submitting your 8700/C samples.

All the detailed information and guidance you need to conduct the Spoken Language endorsement and manage the recordings can be found in our non-exam assessment guide – please do take a moment to check.

If you’re having difficulties submitting your audio-visual recordings, or have any further questions, please email us at english-gcse@aqa.org.uk as early as possible.

Spoken Language endorsement (8700/C)

For summer 2023, students are required to deliver a prepared presentation for the GCSE English Language Spoken Language endorsement. As part of this, or more typically following the presentation, students must listen and respond to questions. Both parts (presentation and questions) need to be video recorded. Students are assessed by their teachers against the published competency model of criteria, whereby all elements of a level (Pass, Merit or Distinction) must be matched for that level to be awarded.

You may choose to use the published student record form for your own internal records but these are not required by the Verifier – only the videos need to be sent. You can find more information about the requirements for the Spoken Language endorsement in our GCSE English Language specification (page 15 of the PDF version).

To support students with communication and/or hearing needs, we have inter-board guidance for teachers and learners.

Centre declaration form

All schools and colleges must submit a signed centre declaration form to authenticate students’ work, and to confirm internal standardisation of marking. The completed form should be emailed to NEAdeclaration@aqa.org.uk by 15 May 2023 at the latest. You can find the form (named Centre declaration form: non-exam assessment, fieldwork and live performance: 2023) in assessment resources.

Sending student samples

Schools choose their own sample to send to the Verifier. Where a school has up to 30 students, all recordings need to be sent. Larger schools need to send 30 recordings, 10 at each level. If there are not sufficient Distinctions or Merits to meet this requirement, recordings at other levels need to be included to ensure that there is a sample of 30.

Full instructions for recording and sampling can be found in Appendix 2 of the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments 2022-2023 available on JCQ’s website.

We’ll provide details of your Verifier on Centre Services once your endorsement grades have been submitted. The sample recordings should be sent straight away – please do not use a postal service which requires a signature.

The deadline to submit GCSE marks and grades is 7 May 2023.

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