Appendix C: Previous science learning

To develop skills and knowledge in A-level Environmental Science, students should have the skills and knowledge associated with at least GCSE Combined Science or equivalent. While an understanding of all GCSE Combined Science or equivalent topics is advantageous, there are a number of topics that have particular applications in A-level Environmental Science.

The following table illustrates the GCSE Combined Science topics that have particular applications in the development of skills and knowledge in A-level Environmental Science.

GCSE Combined Science topic Application in A-level Environmental Science

Hydrosphere: unsustainable exploitation.

Levels of organisation within an ecosystem

Conservation of biodiversity.

Life processes in the biosphere and conservation planning.

The principle of material cycling

Biogeochemical cycles.



Conservation of biodiversity.

Life processes in the biosphere and conservation planning.


The genome The importance of the conservation of biodiversity:
  • genetic resources
  • captive breeding and release programmes.

Agriculture: genetic manipulation.

Variation and evolution The importance of the conservation of biodiversity:
  • genetic resources
  • captive breeding and release programmes.

Agriculture: genetic manipulation.

Selective breeding and gene technology The importance of the conservation of biodiversity:
  • genetic resources
  • captive breeding and release programmes.

Agriculture: genetic manipulation.

Chemical symbols, formulae and equations, including reaction stoichiometry and masses of reactants and products

Global climate change

Ozone depletion

Biogeochemical cycles



Chemistry of acids Pollution:
  • acid precipitation
  • acid mine drainage
  • heavy metals.
Electrolysis Energy:
  • fuel cells
  • the hydrogen economy.
Exothermic and endothermic reactions



Carbon compounds



Life cycle assessment and recycling

Mineral resources


Fractional distillation of crude oil and cracking

Energy: fossil fuels.

Different methods of extracting and purifying metals

Mineral resources


The composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere since its formation


Carbon dioxide and methane as greenhouse gases


Sustainability: carbon footprints.

Common atmospheric pollutants and their sources


The Earth’s water resources and obtaining potable water

The hydrosphere

Conservation, dissipation and national


Atomic structure

Energy: nuclear power.

Pollution: ionising radiation.