Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1the definition of a pondStudent completed work
2at least three reasons why ponds have been lost from our landscapeStudent completed work
3why a high quality wildlife pond requires clean water Student completed work
4at least two ways to ensure a clean water supply for a pondStudent completed work
5at least two ways in which varied design can lead to higher biodiversity in wildlife pondsStudent completed work
6at least two considerations to take into account when siting a new pondStudent completed work
7at least two potential threats that may have a negative impact on a wildlife pondStudent completed work
8at least two types of pond liners and one advantage and disadvantage for each typeStudent completed work
9at least three plant species which encouirage pond wildlifeStudent completed work
10at least two plant species which should not be planted in pondsStudent completed work

acquired an understanding of

11what is meant by the term 'succession'Student completed work
12what is meant by the term 'natural colonisation'.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 24 August 2016Level - Level One