3.1 What is business?

Understanding the nature and purpose of business


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Why businesses exist

Business objectives such as profit, growth, survival, cash flow, social and ethical objectives

The relationship between mission and objectives


Common business objectives


Why businesses set objectives


The measurement and importance of profit

The measurement of profit should include:

  • revenue (also turnover and sales)
  • fixed costs
  • variable costs
  • total costs.

Understanding different business forms


We've made some changes to the subject content in the table below. These changes affect first AS exams in 2024 and A-level exams in 2025. To find out what's changed, read our summary of changes. You can also visit our updated specification.


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Reasons for choosing different forms of business and for changing business form

Different forms of business include:

  • sole traders
  • private limited companies and public limited companies
  • private sector and public sector organisations
  • non-profit organisations such as charities and mutuals.

Issues with different forms of business include:

  • unlimited and limited liability
  • ordinary share capital
  • market capitalisation
  • dividends.

The role of shareholders and why they invest


Influences on share price and the significance of share price changes


The effects of ownership on mission, objectives, decisions and performance


Understanding that businesses operate within an external environment


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How the external environment can affect costs and demand

Factors influencing costs and demand to include the effect of:

  • competition
  • market conditions
  • incomes
  • interest rates
  • demographic factors
  • environmental issues and fair trade.