Our Statement of importance masthead

Companion guide

Spark something powerful

Inspirational new texts and poetry for GCSE English Literature.

Our Statement of importance

GCSE English Literature is the study of how writers communicate their ideas about the world, and how readers might respond to these ideas. It aims to develop a critical understanding of the ways in which literary texts are a reflection of, and exploration of, the human condition, the study of which develops empathic understanding of human nature.

High-quality English literature is writing which displays recognisable literary qualities and, although shaped by particular contexts, transcends them and speaks about the universality of the human condition. GCSE English Literature aims to enable students to appreciate these qualities, developing and presenting informed, critical responses to the ideas in literary texts and the ways writers present these ideas. It aims to enable students to make links between a variety of written texts and between the text and the context within which it was shaped.

GCSE English Literature

Inspirational new texts and poetry

Contact our team

We’re here to support you with any questions you have.

Tel: 0161 953 7504

8am–5pm Monday to Friday

Email: english-gcse@aqa.org.uk

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We’d love to hear from you. We’re also giving away free poetry anthologies to teachers who register their interest.