Post-results services

Find out about the post-results services you can use as well as fees and deadlines.

What's available

For help on what services you might need, see the following:

University place pending

If the student has a university place pending, we advise that you request a priority review of marking (summer series only).

No university place pending

If the student does not have a university place pending, you can request a:


Post-results serviceFee
Priority review of marking (AS and A-level – university place pending)£57.85 (includes a copy of the reviewed script)
Priority copy of marked paper (AS and A-level)Free
Priority copy of marked paper (GCSE)Free
Clerical re-check£9.05 per unit, component or module
Review of marking£42.00 for GCSE and other level 1/2 qualifications; £48.65 for AS and A-level and other level 3 qualifications (includes a copy of the reviewed script)
Review of moderation£252.20 for GCSE and other level 1/2 qualifications; £281.15 for AS and A-level and other level 3 qualifications (or half the normal rate if the cohort is 5 students or fewer)
Original marked scriptFree
Copy of checked script (after a clerical re-check)Free
Appeals£124.90 for stage 1 (preliminary stage); £214.05 for stage 2 (appeal hearing)


Exam series

Private candidates

If you're a private candidate, we recommend that you speak to the exams officer at your school or college in the first instance. For more information, see our private candidate page.