Exams Administration

Information and resources for exams officers to plan ahead and stay on track throughout the whole exams lifecycle, from entries to results day.

Carry forward of marks

When a student re-takes a qualification which includes non-exam assessment (NEA), they may request a carry forward of the mark/grade for the NEA component.

Basic principles

  • You must use the same Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) that was used for the original attempt, otherwise we will not be able to process the carry forward request.
  • For NEA components in reformed linear GCSE, AS and A-level subjects, the most recent non-absent result will be carried forward.
  • For endorsement grades in GCSE English Language and A-level Sciences, grades can be carried forward across the JCQ exam boards. The most recent grade (including ‘not classified’) will be carried forward.
  • Marks can be carried forward for teacher-marked and AQA-marked NEA components such as MFL speaking tests.
  • Marks can be carried forward for the lifetime of the specification. There is no restriction on time between the original attempt and the re-take.
  • Certain subjects have specific rules.

How to request carry forward

Students wishing to carry forward marks should be entered as normal using the standard entry codes. You don’t need to send us the mark/grade again, just submit a carry forward request by the submission deadline for the component.

It is vital that you keep the same UCI that was used for the original attempt. We will locate the mark/grade from the previous attempt and transfer it into the new entry. This will be the final post-moderation mark in the case of internal assessment.

Carry forward doesn't apply to modular qualifications where coursework forms the whole unit (for example, Applied General qualifications). Results for modular units are used as necessary when the award is claimed – it is not necessary to re-enter the unit and request a carry forward of marks.

Carry forward GCSE English Language and A-level Science endorsements from other exam boards

Students can carry forward their endorsement grade, even if they sat the original exam with a different board. The most recent attempt will be carried forward, even if it is 'not classified' or not the best attempt.

Carry forward marks from AQA

Select a qualification to see which of our subjects allow marks to be carried forward, and the associated rules.

A-level Art and Design (7201–7206)

7201/C or X, 7202/C or X, 7203/C or X, 7204/C or X, 7205/C or X, 7206/C or X.

Within each title, students can carry forward their moderated mark for one of the two NEA components from a previous attempt. The other component must be re-taken.

If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

Students are not permitted to carry forward from the exceptional autumn 2020 or autumn 2021 series (7201/XE, 7202/XE, 7203/XE, 7204/XE, 7205/XE, 7206/XE).

A-level Biology (7402)

7402/C NEA – Practical skills endorsement

Grades for the practical skill endorsement can be carried forward between all the JCQ awarding bodies. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent grade (including grades of 'Not Classified') is used.

A-level Chemistry (7405)

7405/C NEA – Practical skills endorsement

Grades for the practical skill endorsement can be carried forward between all the JCQ awarding bodies. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent grade (including grades of 'Not Classified') is used.

A-level Computer Science (7517)

7517/C NEA – Practical project

If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

A-level D&T: Fashion and Textiles (7562)

7562/C NEA

7562/CE NEA – summer 2022 adaptation

Students can carry forward from the normal and adapted version of the NEA. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

A-level D&T: Product Design (7552)

7552/C NEA

7552/CE NEA – summer 2022 adaptation

Students can carry forward from the normal and adapted version of the NEA. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

A-level Dance (7237)

7237/X NEA – Performance and choreography

If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

A-level Drama and Theatre (7262)

7262/C NEA – Creating original drama

7262/X NEA – Making theatre

Marks can be carried forward for one or both components (original drama to original drama, making theatre to making theatre). If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

A-level English Language and Literature (7707)

7707/C NEA – Making connections

If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

A-level English Language (7702)

7702/C NEA – Language in action

If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

A-level English Literature A (7712)

7712/C NEA – Independent critical study: texts across time

If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

A-level English Literature B (7717)

7717/C NEA – Theory and independence

If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

A-level French (7652)

7652/3T NEA – Teacher conducted speaking test

7652/3V NEA – Visiting examiner conducted speaking test

Students can carry forward between the Teacher conducted and Visiting examiner options, so a student entered for 7652/3T can carry forward from a previous attempt at either 7652/3T or 7652/3V. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used regardless of the option.

A-level Geography (7037)

7037/C NEA – Fieldwork investigation

If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

A-level German (7662)

7662/3T NEA – Teacher conducted speaking test

7662/3V NEA – Visiting examiner conducted speaking test

Students can carry forward between the Teacher conducted and Visiting examiner options, so a student entered for 7662/3T can carry forward from a previous attempt at either 7662/3T or 7662/3V. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used regardless of the option.

A-level History (7042)

7042/C NEA

If a student wishes to carry forward, they must either re-take the same written exam options as the original attempt, or confirm that their new options still comply with the requirements of the specification (ie there is no overlap of content between the original NEA and the new exam options, and that all three components together cover a chronological range of at least 200 years). If there is more than one previous result, the best attempt is used.

A-level Media Studies (7572)

7572/C NEA

If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

A-level Music (7272)

7272/C NEA – Composition

7272/CE NEA – Composition – summer 2022 adaptation

7272/P NEA – Performance

7272/PE NEA – Performance – summer 2022 adaptation

Marks can be carried forward for one or both components (performance to performance, composition to composition) from the normal and adapted versions of the NEA. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

A-level Physical Education (7582)

7582/C NEA

If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

A-level Physics (7408)

7408/C NEA – Practical skills endorsement

Grades for the practical skill endorsement can be carried forward between all the JCQ awarding bodies. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent grade (including grades of 'Not Classified') is used.

A-level Spanish (7692)

7692/3T NEA – Teacher conducted speaking test

7692/3V NEA – Visiting examiner conducted speaking test

Students can carry forward between the Teacher conducted and Visiting examiner options, so a student entered for 7692/3T can carry forward from a previous attempt at either 7692/3T or 7692/3V. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used regardless of the option.

AS French (7651)

7651/3T NEA – Teacher conducted speaking test

7651/3V NEA – Visiting examiner conducted speaking test

Students can carry forward between the Teacher conducted and Visiting examiner options, so a student entered for 7651/3T or 7651/3V can carry forward from a previous attempt at either 7651/3T or 7651/3V. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used regardless of the option.

AS German (7661)

7661/3T NEA – Teacher conducted speaking test

7661/3V NEA – Visiting examiner conducted speaking test

Students can carry forward between the Teacher conducted and Visiting examiner options, so a student entered for 7661/3T can carry forward from a previous attempt at either 7661/3T or 7661/3V. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used regardless of the option.

AS Spanish (7691)

7691/3T NEA – Teacher conducted speaking test

7691/3V NEA – Visiting examiner conducted speaking test

Students can carry forward between the Teacher conducted and Visiting examiner options, so a student entered for 7691/3T can carry forward from a previous attempt at either 7691/3T or 7691/3V. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used regardless of the option.

ELC Step Up to English (5970)


For the Silver Step (5972) a student can carry forward their moderated mark for one of the two NEA components from a previous attempt at the qualification. The other component must be re-taken.

If there is more than one previous result, the most recent non-absent attempt is used.


For the Gold Step (5973) a student can carry forward their moderated mark for one of the two NEA components from a previous attempt at the qualification. The other component must be re-taken.

If there is more than one previous result, the most recent non-absent attempt is used.

GCSE Art and Design (8201–8206)

8201/C or X, 8202/C or X, 8203/C or X, 8204/C or X, 8205/C or X, 8206/C or X

Within each title, students can carry forward their moderated mark for one of the two NEA components from a previous attempt. The other component must be re-taken.

If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

Students are not permitted to carry forward from the exceptional autumn 2020 or autumn 2021 series (8201/XE, 8202/XE, 8203/XE, 8204/XE, 8205/XE, 8206/XE).

GCSE Bengali (8638)

8638/SF or 8638/SH NEA – Speaking Tier F/ Speaking Tier H

Students can carry forward marks from a previous attempt at the same tier (foundation to foundation, higher to higher). If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

Students are not permitted to carry forward from the speaking endorsement offered in the summer 2021 and autumn 2021 series (8638/S).

GCSE Chinese (Mandarin) (8673)

8673/SF or 8673/SH NEA – Speaking Tier F/ Speaking Tier H

Students can carry forward marks from a previous attempt at the same tier (foundation to foundation, higher to higher). If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

Students are not permitted to carry forward from the speaking endorsement offered in the summer 2021 and autumn 2021 series (8673/S).

GCSE Design and Technology (8552)

8552/C NEA

8552/CE NEA – summer 2022 adaptation

Students can carry forward from the normal and adapted version of the NEA. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

GCSE Drama (8261)

8261/C NEA – Devising drama (practical)

8261/X NEA – Texts in practice (AQA marked practical)

8261/XE – Texts in practice (AQA marked practical) – summer 2022 adaptation

Marks can be carried forward for one or both components (devising drama to devising drama, texts in practice to texts in practice) from the normal and adapted versions of the NEA. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

GCSE Engineering (8852)

8852/C NEA

8852/CE NEA – summer 2022 adaptation

Students can carry forward from the normal and adapted version of the NEA. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

GCSE English Language (8700)

8700/C NEA – spoken language endorsement

Grades for the spoken language endorsement can be carried forward between all the JCQ awarding bodies. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent grade (including grades of 'Not Classified') is used.

GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition (8585)

8585/C – NEA

8585/CE NEA – summer 2022 adaptation

Students can carry forward from the normal and adapted version of the NEA. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

GCSE French (8658)

8658/SF or 8658/SH NEA – Speaking Tier F/ Speaking Tier H

Students can carry forward marks from a previous attempt at the same tier (foundation to foundation, higher to higher). If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

Students are not permitted to carry forward from the speaking endorsement offered in the summer 2021 and autumn 2021 series (8658/S).

GCSE German (8668)

8668/SF or 8668/SH NEA – Speaking Tier F/ Speaking Tier H

Students can carry forward marks from a previous attempt at the same tier (foundation to foundation, higher to higher). If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

Students are not permitted to carry forward from the speaking endorsement offered in the summer 2021 and autumn 2021 series (8668/S).

GCSE Italian (8633)

8633/SF or 8633/SH NEA – Speaking Tier F/ Speaking Tier H

Students can carry forward marks from a previous attempt at the same tier (foundation to foundation, higher to higher). If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

Students are not permitted to carry forward from the speaking endorsement offered in the summer 2021 and autumn 2021 series (8633/S).

GCSE Music (8271)

8271/C NEA – Composing

8271/CE NEA – Composing – summer 2022 adaptation

8271/P NEA – Performing

8271/PE NEA – Performing – summer 2022 adaptation

Marks can be carried forward for one or both components (performance to performance, composition to composition) from the normal and adapted versions of the NEA. If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used

GCSE Panjabi (8683)

8683/SF or 8683/SH NEA – Speaking Tier F/ Speaking Tier H

Students can carry forward marks from a previous attempt at the same tier (foundation to foundation, higher to higher). If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

Students are not permitted to carry forward from the speaking endorsement offered in the summer 2021 and autumn 2021 series (8683/S).

GCSE Physical Education (8582)

8582/C NEA

If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

GCSE Polish (8688)

8688/SF or 8688/SH NEA – Speaking Tier F/ Speaking Tier H

Students can carry forward marks from a previous attempt at the same tier (foundation to foundation, higher to higher). If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

Students are not permitted to carry forward from the speaking endorsement offered in the summer 2021 and autumn 2021 series (8688/S).

GCSE Spanish (8698)

8698/SF or 8698/SH NEA – Speaking Tier F/ Speaking Tier H

Students can carry forward marks from a previous attempt at the same tier (foundation to foundation, higher to higher). If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

Students are not permitted to carry forward from the speaking endorsement offered in the summer 2021 and autumn 2021 series (8698/S).

GCSE Urdu (8648)

8648/SF or 8648/SH NEA – Speaking Tier F/ Speaking Tier H

Students can carry forward marks from a previous attempt at the same tier (foundation to foundation, higher to higher). If there is more than one previous attempt, the most recent non-absent mark is used.

Students are not permitted to carry forward from the speaking endorsement offered in the summer 2021 and autumn 2021 series (8648/S).