Exams Administration

Information and resources for exams officers to plan ahead and stay on track throughout the whole exams lifecycle, from entries to results day.

Estimated entries

For some subjects, you need to give us an early estimate of the number of students you'll be entering so that we can make sure you have everything you need before exams start.

Why we need estimated entries

For some subjects, we need to send you exam materials before the exam period starts. We dispatch these materials before we have the final entries data, so we ask you to estimate your entries so we know how much you'll need.

We also use estimated entries to assign visiting examiners or moderators to your school or college, where needed.

Subjects we need estimated entries for

We need estimated entries for all subjects with exams where materials are needed in advance. The subjects we need estimated entries for change each exam series.

Estimated entries for the summer 2025 exam series can be submitted via Centre Services between 1 September and 10 October 2024.

We do not require estimated entries for the November 2025, January 2026 and March 2026 exam series.

The subjects we need estimated entries for in summer 2026 are listed in the table below:

GCSE subjects

AS and A-Level subjects

Art and Design

A-Level Art and Design


A-level Dance


A-level Drama and Theatre

Physical Education

AS French

A-level French

AS German

A-level German

A-level Physical Education

AS Spanish

A-level Spanish

How to submit estimated entries

It’s free to submit estimated entries and they are completely provisional – they don't commit your school or college in any way.

Estimated entries can be submitted using Centre Services by following the steps below:

  • log into Centre Services
  • select Pre-exams from the main menu
  • select Entries
  • select Estimated entries summary

Entries from the previous year can be re-used as a starting point.

You don't need to tell us about minor adjustments to estimated entries after you've submitted them.