Exams Administration
Information and resources for exams officers to plan ahead and stay on track throughout the whole exams lifecycle, from entries to results day.
Digital media submissions portal
Find out how you can use our digital media submissions portal to upload and submit non-exam assessment (NEA) files to us.
Log in to Centre Services to access the portal
- Log in to Centre Services
- Go to the Exams tab in the menu.
- Then Digital media submissions portal > Media submission dashboard.
How to submit NEA files in the dashboard
What you need to use it for
You'll need to use our digital media submissions portal in Centre Services to submit NEA files for the following components:
- A-level Music performance (7272/P) and composition (7272/C)
- AS and A-level MFL teacher conducted speaking tests
- GCSE MFL speaking tests
This means that, for these components:
- You'll no longer need to send us audio files on a CD or memory stick.
- We won’t be making script packet dispatch labels available on Centre Services.
- All audio files and supporting documents (eg candidate record forms, attendance registers, music scores) will need to be sent to us using the digital media submissions portal.
When you need to submit files
You can find out when you need to submit your learners’ work to us by checking our deadlines page.
Contact us
Exams officers can contact our customer services team by:
- Email: eos@aqa.org.uk
- Tel: 0800 197 7162