Priority copy of marked paper (access to scripts)

This is a copy of the marked exam paper that you can use to decide whether to request a review of marking or clerical re-check.

Don’t do this if a student’s university place is pending. Go straight to priority review of marking instead.

You can only request this for:

  • AS, A-level
  • GCSE
  • AQA Certificate Level 3 Applied General qualifications.

Priority copies aren't available for some externally assessed units, but you can request the candidate record form or marking grid instead.


There is no fee for this service.

Make a request

To request a copy of a marked paper:

  1. Fill in the student written consent form from JCQ’s post-results services page
  2. Log in to Centre Services and select ‘Post-exams’ and ‘Post-results services’
  3. Select ‘Access to scripts’, either ‘Request by candidate’ or ‘Request by component’
  4. Choose the ‘Priority’ option on the submission screen.

Deadline dates

Exam seriesRequest deadline
June 2024
AS and A-level
29 August 2024
June 2024
5 September 2024
November 2024
GCSE and other
23 January 2025
January 2025
6 March 2025
March 2025
17 April 2025
June 2025
AS and A-level
28 August 2025
June 2025
4 September 2025

How long it takes

Schools and colleges will receive the papers within a week of the request.

What happens next

We’ll email your school/college exams officer when your priority copy of a marked paper is available on Centre Services. These can be accessed on the ‘View or cancel requests’ screen on Centre Services