Exams Administration

Information and resources for exams officers to plan ahead and stay on track throughout the whole exams lifecycle, from entries to results day.

Lost or damaged work

Guidance for schools and colleges on what to do if students' non-exam assessment work has been lost or damaged.

This information covers both internally assessed work (marked by the school or college) and externally assessed work (marked by an AQA examiner).

If the school is responsible

  • Exams officers can request special consideration for a student via Centre Services (after the deadline for submitting marks), provided that the school or college is:
    • responsible for the loss
    • able to verify that the work was completed or partially completed and that the student was monitored while doing the work.
  • The student should reproduce as much of their missing work as possible.
  • For internally-assessed work, the 'loss of coursework' special status must be selected on the e-Submissions mark inputting screen alongside your mark. You can't indicate that work is lost using EDI mark submissions.

If the student is responsible

Work that has been lost or damaged as a consequence of student negligence is not eligible for special consideration.