Exams Administration
Information and resources for exams officers to plan ahead and stay on track throughout the whole exams lifecycle, from entries to results day.
How to use question papers and answer booklets
Follow these steps so that you and your learners use question papers and answer booklets in the right way. This will help us to make sure they get the correct results, on time.
Make sure learner details are correct
The learner details on the front of question papers and answer booklets need to be correct.
You should make sure that learners:
- print their full name – as it appears on the attendance register – on the front of any question paper or separate answer booklet
- fill out their candidate number, centre number, and for answer booklets, the component number.
After the exam, invigilators must check that the learner has filled in all their details.
If the learner has made a mistake on the front cover – or not used their full name – invigilators or exam staff should correct the mistake, and countersign the correction.
You're only allowed to amend the centre number, candidate number, candidate name or the component/unit code.
What to do if a learner is using a word processor
A learner can use a word processor (eg computer, laptop or tablet) if it’s their normal way of working – unless the subject specification says otherwise.
If they're using a word processor, you must disable the spelling and grammar check and predictive text.
You must also make sure that they:
- include their centre number, candidate number and the component code on each page as a header or footer (eg 12345/8001 – 6391/01)
- create a separate document for each component
- label the start of each response with the corresponding question number to make sure it’s marked correctly
- number each page of their typed script (eg page 1 of 6).
If a learner has used a word processor as well as a printed answer booklet, they must:
- Complete the front cover of the answer booklet.
- Place the word processed script inside the front cover of the answer book.
If their entire response is on a word processed script, you don't need to return their blank answer booklet to us.
There’s more guidance on using word processors in the Joint Council for Qualification's instructions for conducting exams (ICE)
What to do if a learner runs out of space for a question
Our question papers should have enough space to answer each question. If a learner does run out of space there are some options.
Additional lined pages at the end of the booklet
Some of our question papers have extra lined pages at the end of the booklet for learners to use if they run out of space.
This means that:
- they shouldn’t need to use separate answer booklets
- any extra material will be with their original script
- it reduces the risk of marking delays.
Learners should use all the answer space underneath a question before using the lined pages at the end of the booklet.
If they do use the extra lined pages at the end of the booklet, they must label their responses with the corresponding question numbers. This is to make sure that the extra material is marked alongside the rest of their answer.
Additional answer booklets
If all the space in the original booklet has been used – you can give a learner an additional answer booklet.
If a learner needs to use an additional answer booklet, they must include:
- full name
- candidate number
- centre number
- component code.
They should also label their responses with the corresponding question number.
Any extra answer booklets need to be placed inside the front cover of the original answer booklet at the end of the exam.
Blank pages must not be removed from any standard or modified papers.