Personalised maths test to transform support for struggling students
AQA has been working on Stride, a brand new personalised maths test that will allow teachers to quickly pinpoint why their students are struggling.
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With the launch of our new website you'll soon have access to enhanced route maps, dynamic key dates and more.
In the meantime, some users may still need access to historic route maps. You can still find them on our classic All About Maths site by visiting
Access to hundreds of free teaching resources to help you plan and teach our qualifications.
All About Maths gives you access to hundreds of free teaching resources to help you plan and teach our qualifications.
Resource hub, Find past paper questions so you can make customised assessments for revision, homework and topic tests for AQA A-level Maths and Further Maths!
Designed for students who have achieved a grade 4 or above at GCSE. supporting the teaching of other A-level subjects, find a comparison of content within subjects resource to help you work with your colleagues.
Find resources that complement GCSE Maths by encouraging students' higher Mathematical skills, particularly algebraic reasoning. Building upon Key Stage 4 curriculum.
Giving you access to hundreds of free teaching resources to help you plan and teach, carefully designed to prepare learners for life and work,
Find past paper questions so you can make customised assessments for revision, homework and topic tests for Entry Level Certificate
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The route maps below are flexible planning tools designed to help you organise teaching of the specification around your school timetable.
We hope you enjoy using All About Maths! Best wishes, David Taylor and the AQA Mathematics team”
David Taylor - Head of Maths
Updates and support 9:30am-3:30pm, Monday-Friday.
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