Extended project evaluation (cohort 2): Student information
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In November 2007 the second cohort of students were awarded grades for the pilot Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). In a continuation of the pilot evaluation, entry data has been combined with grade outcomes and, where available, project proposal information, to provide a deeper insight into the EPQ. Where appropriate, comparisons have been made between the first and second cohort entry and performance.
Student questionnaires were sent to the EPQ coordinators for each of the fifteen centres with registered entries. The coordinators were asked to administer their distribution and subsequent return to AQA. As with the questionnaire sent to students in the first cohort, the response rate was low and a decision has been taken to combine all quantitative student responses from each pilot cohort for analysis and reporting as part of the final evaluation. Some of the qualitative responses have been collated towards the end of the report and a copy of the questionnaire is included in Appendix A. It differs slightly from the questionnaire dispatched to the first cohort of pilot EPQ students in that there is an additional section at the end asking about the use to which they plan to put their EPQ.
Pinot de Moira, A. (2008). Extended project evaluation (cohort 2): Student information, Manchester: AQA Centre for Education research and Policy.