Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1suggest an explanation for the distribution of a particular organismSummary sheet or Student completed work
2suggest how a particular organism is adapted to the conditions in which it livesSummary sheet or Student completed work
3plan a simple procedure to compare the rates at which different materials decay when buried in soilSummary sheet or Student completed work
4use simple equipment to compare the rates at which different materials decay when buried in soilSummary sheet or Student completed work
5explain simply what has been found out in the experiment to compare the rates at which different materials decay when buried in soilSummary sheet or Student completed work

shown knowledge of

6at least two of the factors which affect the distribution of organisms: temperature amount of light availability of waterSummary sheet or Student completed work
7the following factual information: a) the factors which affect the distribution of organisms vary according to the time of day and the time of year b) in a food chain A->B->C means that B eats A and C eats B c) food chains begin with green plants which provide food for other organisms d) natural organic materials decay because they are broken down by microbes e) many manufactured materials such as polythene do not decay f) humans reduce the amount of land available for other plants and animals e.g. by building quarrying farming dumping waste g) humans pollute the environment e.g. water with sewage air with smoke land with poisonous chemicals. Summary sheet or Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 15 July 1996Level - Level One