Crime scene investigation

Level: Level One

If successfully completing this unit, the Learner will haveEvidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1. observe a crime scene and then again after it has been tampered with highlighting all differences

Summary sheet

2. identify arches, loops and whorls in fingerprints

Student completed work

shown knowledge of

3. the fact that DNA is inherited from parents

Summary sheet

4. how DNA profiling and fingerprinting assist in solving crimes

Summary sheet

acquired an understanding of

5. what protective clothing should be worn in a crime scene and why

Student completed work


6. using chromotography to identify a suspect's pen used to write a ransom note

Student completed work

7. taking fingerprints

Summary sheet

8. comparing fingerprints to a suspect's prints

Summary sheet

9. casting footprints.

Summary sheet

Approved 17 Apr 2018

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