Level: Entry Level

In successfully completing this unit, the learner will haveEvidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1. recognise Scotland on a map of the world and a map of Europe

Student completed work

2. use Scottish Gaelic and Scots to greet and respond to greetings, eg "Hello, how are you?"

Summary sheet

3. recognise and correctly colour the Scottish flag

Student completed work

shown knowledge of

4. how, when and why St Andrew's day, Hogmanay and Burn's night are celebrated

Student completed work

5. three Scottish emblems

Student completed work

6. the main human and physical geographical features of Scotland, ie six regions, four cities, six islands or island groups, four rivers and three mountains

Student completed work


7. taking part in adapted highland games activities

Summary sheet and/or photograph(s)

8. singing 'Flower of Scotland' individually or as a group

Summary sheet

9. preparing, cooking and eating traditional Scottish food.

Summary sheet and/or photograph(s)

Approved 13 Nov 2019

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