Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1at least two of the similarities and differences between the period studied and life today, with the aid of picture promptsSummary sheet
2the main topic keywords, eg by taking part in bingo games, quizzesSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

3ask a question about the skeleton in the car park, with supportSummary sheet
4place at least two events from Richard III’s timeline in order, with supportSummary sheet and/or student completed work
5use pictures and/or role play to tell parts of the story of how Richard III was found in a car parkSummary sheet
6use pictures and/or role play to say two things about the 'Princes in the Tower' storySummary sheet
7rearrange the words in given sentences to retell three facts about Richard III, with supportSummary sheet and/or student completed work


8watching selected clips from 'Horrible Histories' and taking part in discussions about them. Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 30 April 2021Level - Pre-Entry Level