Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1carry out research into a metal of their choiceSummary sheet
2present key information about the metal they researched, eg by producing a poster, short videoStudent completed work
3identify the common properties of a given selection of metalsStudent completed work
4relate the properties of metals to the use of five given metalsSummary sheet
5carry out a practical to extract a metal from its oreSummary sheet
6carry out research into how iron and aluminium are extracted from their oresStudent completed work
7carry out an experiment to calculate the density of two metals, including measuring mass and volumeSummary sheet
8calculate the density of a metalStudent completed work
9carry out research on an alloy to find out how it is produced, its main properties and why it is importantStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

10the common properties of most metalsSummary sheet
11how metals are extracted from their oresStudent completed work
12the fact that density = mass divided by volumeStudent completed work
13what an alloy isSummary sheet


14carrying out an experiment to measure density safely and accurately.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 14 October 2021Level - Level One