Allotments (unit 3): using tools and equipment safely

Level: Level One

In successfully completing this unit, the learner will haveEvidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1. follow safe working practices and behaviours for working around the allotment

Summary sheet

2. identify at least five tools for horticultural tasks

Summary sheet and/or student completed work

3. safely and correctly use at least eight different gardening tools, including a garden fork, rake, hand trowel, hand fork, secateurs and scissors

Summary sheet

4. identify at least three suitable items of clothing for gardening outside

Summary sheet and/or student completed work

5. clean and pack away tools at the end of each session

Summary sheet

shown knowledge of

6. the contents and location of the first aid kit and what to do if there is an accident.

Summary sheet and/or student completed work

Approved 13 Jan 2022

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