Biology: the human body (unit 1)

Level: Pre-Entry Level

In successfully completing this unit, the learner will haveEvidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1. use symbols or pictures to identify six parts of the human body

Summary sheet

2. make choices to taste or smell five healthy foods

Summary sheet

shown knowledge of

3. what at least two parts of the body do

Summary sheet

4. the effect mental health and wellbeing can have on the body, eg getting butterflies in the stomach if worried, crying if sad

Summary sheet


5. exploring the effects of exercise on their body by taking part in activities to raise awareness of the process of breathing, eg blowing up balloons, blowing bubbles

Summary sheet

6. investigating models of internal body parts

Summary sheet

7. exploring the role of medicines in helping the body stay healthy.

Summary sheet

Approved 21 Apr 2022

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