Level: Pre-Entry Level

In successfully completing this unit, the learner will haveEvidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1. identify whether two objects in nature, or two details on an object, are the same, on at least three occasions

Student completed work

2. fold a piece of paper in half

Summary sheet

3. fold a piece of paper in half and make a symmetrical ink-blot pattern with verbal guidance

Summary sheet and/or student completed work

4. recognise at least three shapes in nature that show reflective symmetry, eg a tree, a cloud, a ladybird

Student completed work

5. complete the second half of a nature symmetrical shape or pattern on at least two occasions

Student completed work

6. place a mirror, or indicate where a mirror should be placed, to demonstrate reflective symmetry, on at least two occasions.

Summary sheet

Approved 27 Jul 2022

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