Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1describe the changing industrial structure of the UK, using any given graphStudent completed work
2identify at least two features of a post-industrial economy Student completed work
3describe one way that population growth affects a rural area in the UKStudent completed work
4describe one way that population decline affects a rural area in the UKStudent completed work
5describe data from any given map that illustrates the north-south divide in the UK Student completed work

shown knowledge of

6how de-industrialisation in the UK led to economic changeStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
7two ways an example of modern industrial development can be more environmentally sustainableStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
8at least two improvements made to transport infrastructure in the UKStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
9one strategy used to reduce the north-south divide in the UKStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
10one international relationship the UK has with the wider world.Student completed work and/or summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 1 December 2022Level - Level One