Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1look at weather forecasts in newspapers and on televisionSummary sheet
2identify at least four weather symbols, eg temperature, wind direction, cloud cover, precipitationStudent completed work
3use a thermometer to measure the temperature of at least four areas in the school environment and record the resultsSummary sheet or student completed work
4use a rain-gauge to measure rainfall and record the resultsSummary sheet or student completed work
5read a barometer and record the resultsSummary sheet or student completed work
6compile a weather chart for one week, using the readings taken for temperature, air pressure and rainfallStudent completed work
7identify three types of cloud, eg nimbus, cirrus, cumulusStudent completed work
8produce a drawing showing the water cycleStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

9the following factual information: (a) that weather happens in the Earth's atmosphere, (b) that water exists in different states, ie as a solid, a liquid and a gasStudent completed work
10the water cycleStudent completed work
11vocabulary associated with weather, eg frost, snow, storms, thunder and iceStudent completed work
12the variation in weather through the seasons.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 26 May 1999Level - Entry Level