Level: Level One

In successfully completing this unit, the learner will haveEvidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1. draw line(s) of symmetry on two-dimensional shapes with up to four lines of symmetry

Student completed work

2. draw the reflection of a shape on a grid, on the x axis and the y axis

Student completed work

3. identify similar rectangles and triangles from a given set of shapes

Student completed work

4. draw the enlargements of shapes drawn on a grid by factors of 2 and 3, from a point of origin of (0,0)

Student completed work

5. enlarge a shape by a given factor from a point of origin other than (0,0)

Student completed work

6. draw a shape in a new position after a rotation about a point by a turn of 180 or 90 degrees

Student completed work

7. draw a shape in a new position after translation by negaive or positive vectors

Student completed work

8. identify the line of reflection for a given reflection

Student completed work

9. identify the scale and point of origin of a given enlargement

Student completed work

10. identify the point, angle and direction of a given rotation

Student completed work

11. identify the vector used for a given translation

Student completed work

12. identify the co-ordinates of a new shape after a transformation on a grid.

Student completed work

Approved 14 Apr 2004

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