Introduction to dinosaurs

Level: Entry Level

In successfully completing this unit, the learner will haveEvidence needed


1. taking part in a shared reading of material relevant to dinosaurs

Summary sheet

2. watching video clips from Jurassic Park

Summary sheet

shown knowledge of

3. the main characteristics of a reptile

Student completed work

4. how Brontosaurus and Tyrannosaurus were adapted to be a herbivore and a predatory carnivore respectively

Student completed work

5. the size of the dinosaur's brain in relation to its body size

Student completed work

6. how the fossil dinosaur footprints could be used to gauge the size and speed of the animal

Student completed work

7. at least two theories of the mass extinction of the dinosaurs

Student completed work

8. how mammals and birds evolved from the dinosaurs

Student completed work

acquired an understanding of

9. how the fossil dinosaur record relates to the time when the continents were joined together in a mainly tropical region.

Student completed work

Approved 08 Jun 2004

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