Specifications that use this resource:

Switching to AQA from Eduqas

To save you time and help you compare our A-level French specification with the Eduqas specification, we’ve created some comparison tables.

These tables highlight the content and requirements side-by-side, so you can make the right choice for your students.

Let us know if you’d like to hear from us, we’ll send you everything you need to get started.

Assessment structure

Paper 1

AQA – A-level French

Eduqas – A-level French

Paper 1 – listening, reading and writing

Paper 1 – speaking

Written exam

Written exam

2 hours 30 minutes

21–23 minutes (including 5 minutes preparation)

100 marks (50% of A-level)

60 marks (30% of A-level)

Listening and responding to spoken passages.

All questions in French to be answered in French or with non-verbal responses (30 marks)

Reading and responding to a variety of texts.

All questions in French to be answered in French or with non-verbal responses (50 marks)

Translation into French; passage of a minimum of 100 words (10 marks)

Translation into English; passage of a minimum of 100 words (10 marks).

Presentation (2 minutes) and Discussion (9-10 minutes) of independent research project.

Discussion of sub-theme based on stimulus card (5-6 minutes) (student chooses from two cards offered).

Paper 2

AQA – A-level French

Eduqas – A-level French

Paper 2 – writing

Paper 2 – listening, reading and translation

Written exam

Written exam

2 hours

2 hours and 30 minutes

80 marks (20% of A-level)

100 marks (50% of A-level)

Either one question in French on a set text, from a choice of two questions, and one question in French on a set film, from a choice of two questions, or two questions on set texts, from a choice of two questions on each text.

Students are advised to write approximately 300 words per essay.

Listening and responding to spoken passages. Questions may include true/false statements, multiple choice, questions and answers, a summary/assimilation-style question and comprehension questions in French.

Reading and responding to a variety of texts. Questions may include true/false statements, gap-fill questions, a summary/assimilation-style question and comprehension questions in French.

Translation into English; a passage or passages of a minimum of 100 words in total.

Translation into French; a passage or passages of a minimum of 100 words in total.

Paper 3

AQA – A-level French

Eduqas – A-level French

Paper 3 – speaking

Paper 3 – critical and analytical response in writing

21–23 minutes (including 5 minutes preparation time)

2 hours

60 marks (30% of A-level)

40 marks (20% of A-level)

Discussion of sub-theme based on a stimulus card (student chooses card from two cards offered) (5-6 minutes) (25 marks).

Presentation (2 minutes) and Discussion (9-10 minutes) of individual research project (35 marks).

Either one question in French on a set text, from a choice of two questions, and one question in French on a set film, from a choice of two questions, or two questions on set texts, from a choice of two questions on each text.

Students are advised to write approximately 300 words.

Subject content

Core themes

AQA – A-level French

Eduqas – A-level French

Aspects of French-speaking society: current trends.

Students may study all sub-themes in relation to any French-speaking country or countries.

The changing nature of family (La famille en voie de changement):

  • Grands-parents, parents et enfants – soucis et problèmes
  • Monoparentalité, homoparentalité, familles recomposées
  • La vie de couple – nouvelles tendances

The ‘cyber-society’ (La « cyber-société »):

  • Qui sont les cybernautes?
  • Comment la technologie facilite la vie quotidienne
  • Quels dangers la « cyber-société » pose-t-elle ?

The place of voluntary work (Le rôle du bénévolat):

  • Qui sont et que font les bénévoles?
  • Le bénévolat – quelle valeur pour ceux qui sont aidés?
  • Le bénévolat – quelle valeur pour ceux qui aident?

Being a young person in

French-speaking society:

  • Families and citizenship: changing family structures; the changing nature of marriage and partnership; being a good citizen
  • Youth trends and personal identity: trends in fashion; how young people respond to modern technology; relationships with others and peer pressure
  • Education and employment opportunities. The education system and student issues; work and travel opportunities and the changing work scene.

Artistic culture in the French-speaking world.

Students may study all sub-themes in relation to any French-speaking country or countries.

  • A culture proud of its heritage (Une culture fière de son patrimoine)
  • Le patrimoine sur le plan national, régional et local
  • Comment le patrimoine reflète la culture
  • Le patrimoine et le tourisme
  • Contemporary francophone music (La musique francophone contemporaine)
  • La diversité de la musique francophone contemporaine
  • Qui écoute et apprécie cette musique?
  • Comment sauvegarder cette musique?
  • Cinema: the   7th art form (Cinéma: le septième art)
  • Pourquoi le septième art?
  • Le cinéma – une passion nationale?
  • Evolution du cinéma – les grandes lignes

Understanding the French-speaking world:

  • Regional culture and heritage in France, French-speaking countries and communities Festivals; customs and traditions; historical sites; museums and galleries.
  • Media, art, film and music in the French-speaking world Trends in media and art; film and music in the lives of young people.

Diversity and difference:

  • Migration and integration Reasons for migration; factors which make migration/integration easy/difficult
  • Cultural identity and marginalisation Reasons for marginalisation; ways to eliminate marginalisation
  • Cultural enrichment and celebrating difference. The positive aspects of a diverse society.
  • Discrimination and diversity. Life for those who are discriminated against.

France 1940-1950: the

Occupation and post-war years:

  • June 1940–May 1945 Life in occupied France; the French Resistance.
  • The cultural dimension in occupied France. The political context of   theatre and cinema productions
  • 1945-1950 Rebuilding and restructuring society in post-war years.

Aspects of French-speaking society: current issues

Students may study all sub-themes in relation to any French-speaking country or countries.

  • Positive features of a diverse society (Les aspects positifs d’une société diverse)
  • L’enrichissement dû à la mixité ethnique
  • Diversité, tolérance et respect
  • Diversité – un apprentissage pour la vie
  • Life for the marginalised (Quelle vie pour les marginalisés?)
  • Qui sont les marginalisés?
  • Quelle aide pour les marginalisés?
  • Quelles attitudes envers les marginalisés?
  • How criminals are treated (comment on traite les criminels)
  • Quelles attitudes envers la criminalité?
  • La prison – échec ou succès?
  • D’autres sanctions

Theme 3: L’immigration et la société multiculturelle française

Theme 3 is set in the context of France only. This theme covers social issues and trends.

L’impact positif de l’immigration sur la société française

Les contributions des immigrés à l’économie et à la culture.

Répondre aux défis de l’immigration et de l’intégration en France.

Les activités des communautés; la marginalisation et l’aliénation du point de vue des immigrés.

L’extrême droite

La montée du Front National; les leaders du Front National; l’opinion publique.

Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world:

Students may study all sub-themes in relation to any French-speaking country or countries.

  • Teenagers, the right to vote and political commitment (Les ados, le droit de vote et l’engagement politique)
  • Pour ou contre le droit de vote?
  • Les ados et l’engagement politique – motivés ou démotivés?
  • Quel avenir pour la politique?
  • Demonstrations, strikes – who holds the power? (manifestations, grèves – à qui le pouvoir?)
  • Le pouvoir des syndicats
  • Manifestations et grèves – sont-elles efficaces?
  • Attitudes différentes envers ces tensions politiques
  • Politics and immigration (La politique et l’immigration)
  • Solutions politiques à la question de l’immigration
  • L’immigration et les partis politiques
  • L’engagement politique chez les immigrés

Theme 4: L’Occupation et la Résistance

Theme 4 is set in the context of France only. This theme covers political culture.

La France occupée

La collaboration; l’antisémitisme.

Le régime de Vichy

Maréchal Pétain et la Révolution nationale.

La Résistance

Jean Moulin, Charles de Gaulle et les femmes de la Résistance; l’implication des.

You can get in-touch by email on mfl@aqa.org.uk or contact our subject experts by phone on 01423 534 381.