3.7 Relational databases and structured query language (SQL)

3.7.1 Relational databases

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Explain the concept of a database.


Explain the concept of a relational database.

Understand the following database concepts:
  • table
  • record
  • field
  • data type
  • primary key
  • foreign key.

Understand that the use of a relational database facilitates the elimination of data inconsistency and data redundancy.

Note that whilst the terms entity, attribute and entity identifier are more commonly used when an abstract model of a database is being considered, the terms given here will be used for both implementations of and abstract models of databases.

3.7.2 Structured query language (SQL)

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Be able to use SQL to retrieve data from a relational database, using the commands:
  • FROM
Exam questions will require that data is extracted from no more than two tables for any one query.

Be able to use SQL to insert data into a relational database using the commands.

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column 2 …)
VALUES (value1, value2 …)

Be able to use SQL to edit and delete data in a database using the commands.

UPDATE table_name 
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2 ...
WHERE condition

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition