A-level Design and Technology: Fashion and Textiles Specification Specification for first teaching from 2017
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The non-exam assessment (NEA) for this specification is made up of a single design and make project .
Visit aqa.org.uk/7562 for detailed information about all aspects of NEA administration.
The head of the school or college is responsible for making sure that NEA is conducted in line with our instructions and Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) instructions.
To meet Ofqual’s qualification and subject criteria:
All practical work that is submitted for assessment must be completed under direct supervision. If a student needs to undertake some work that cannot be completed in school/college no credit can be given for the work undertaken off site. You must ensure that you are familiar with the prototype before it is taken off site and also verify it after any off site work has been completed to ensure that the only work that has been completed off site is what has been discussed beforehand.
Students must have sufficient direct supervision for the written element to ensure that the work submitted can be confidently authenticated as their own. If a student receives additional assistance and this is acceptable within the guidelines for this specification, you should award a mark that represents the student’s unaided achievement. Please make a note of the support the student received on the CRF and sign the authentication statement. If the statement is not signed, we cannot accept the student’s work for assessment.
Please inform your students of the AQA regulations concerning malpractice. They must not:
These actions constitute malpractice and a penalty will be given (for example, disqualification).
If you identify malpractice before the student signs the declaration of authentication, you don’t need to report it to us. Please deal with it in accordance with your school or college’s internal procedures. We expect schools and colleges to treat such cases very seriously.
If you identify malpractice after the student has signed the declaration of authentication, the head of your school or college must submit full details of the case to us at the earliest opportunity. Please complete the form JCQ/M1, available from the JCQ website at jcq.org.uk
You must record details of any work which is not the student’s own on the CRF or another appropriate place.
Consult your exams officer about these procedures.
We'll provide support for using the marking criteria and developing appropriate tasks through teacher standardisation.
Example material and guidance will be available at teacher standardisation to help schools and colleges understand the quality of the work associated with the different mark bands and how to apply the assessment criteria.
In the following situations teacher standardisation is essential. We will send you an invitation to complete teacher standardisation if:
Your school or college will be assigned an NEA appointed adviser who will be able to assist you in matters relating to the NEA.
For further support and advice email your subject team at dandt@aqa.org.uk
You must ensure that you have consistent marking standards for all students. One person must manage this process and they must sign the Centre declaration sheet to confirm that internal standardisation has taken place.
Internal standardisation may involve:
To meet Ofqual’s qualification and subject criteria, you must show clearly how marks have been awarded against the marking criteria in this specification.
Your comments will help the moderator see, as precisely as possible, where you think the students have met the marking criteria.
You must record your comments on the CRF.
You must check that the correct marks are written on the CRF and that the total is correct.
The deadline for submitting the total mark for each student is given at aqa.org.uk/keydates
For advice and guidance about arrangements for any of your students, please email us as early as possible at eos@aqa.org.uk
Occasional absence: you should be able to accept the occasional absence of students by making sure they have the chance to make up what they have missed. You may organise an alternative supervised session for students who were absent at the time you originally arranged.
Lost work: if work is lost you must tell us how and when it was lost and who was responsible, using our special consideration online service at aqa.org.uk/eaqa
Extra help: where students need extra help which goes beyond normal learning support, please use the CRF to tell us so that this help can be taken into account during moderation.
Students who move schools: students who move from one school or college to another during the course sometimes need additional help to meet the requirements. How you deal with this depends on when the move takes place.Students’ work must be kept under secure conditions from the time that it is marked, with CRFs attached. After the moderation period and the deadline for Enquiries about Results (or once any enquiry is resolved) you may return the work to students.
You must send all your students' marks to us by the date given at aqa.org.uk/deadlines . You will be asked to send a sample of your students' NEA evidence to your moderator.
You must show clearly how marks have been awarded against the assessment criteria in this specification. Your comments must help the moderator see, as precisely as possible, where you think the students have met the assessment criteria. You must:
The moderator re-marks a sample of the evidence and compares this with the marks you have provided to check whether any changes are needed to bring the marking in line with our agreed standards. Any changes to marks will normally keep your rank order but, where major inconsistencies are found, we reserve the right to change the rank order.
If you're in a consortium of schools or colleges with joint teaching arrangements (where students from different schools and colleges have been taught together but entered through the school or college at which they are on roll), you must let us know by:
We'll allocate the same moderator to all schools and colleges in the consortium and treat the students as a single group for moderation.
We will return your students' work to you after the exams. You'll also receive a report when the results are issued, which will give feedback on the appropriateness of the tasks set, interpretation of the marking criteria and how students performed in general.
We'll give you the final marks when the results are issued.
To meet Ofqual requirements, as well as for awarding, archiving or standardising purposes, we may need to keep some of your students' work. We'll let you know if we need to do this.