ELC English Specification Specification for first teaching in 2015
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You can find out about all our Step Up to English qualifications at aqa.org.uk/english
Entry Level Certificates are nationally recognised qualifications that give students the opportunity to achieve a certified award. Our assessments are designed to inspire and motivate your students, providing appropriate stretch and challenge whilst ensuring that the assessment and texts are accessible to Entry Level students.
The specification will encourage Entry Level students to develop the skills they need to read and understand a range of texts as well as to write clearly, coherently and accurately using a range of vocabulary and sentence structures.
The qualification can be tailored to students' needs through either Silver Step or Gold Step. Silver Step is aimed at Entry 1 and Entry 2 students and Gold Step is for Entry 3 students looking to progress to GCSE. We have provided clear progression and GCSE-ready level descriptors.
The qualification offers non-exam assessment (NEA) which supports an engaging and supportive learning and assessment experience for Entry Level students. The specification offers two components in both steps, which each assess reading and writing. Spoken language is included in Component 1 and contributes to the overall mark.
Each component thematically links reading and writing and supports high-quality provision and engaging teaching and learning.The specification offers a skills-based approach to the study of English and literacy. Assessment is on-demand as tasks are available throughout the academic year on the secure area of our website. You can download them whenever you think a student has acquired the skills needed. However, students will still need to be entered and certificated in a particular series.
The specification is fully co-teachable with GCSE English Language. Entry Level students who choose to study both will benefit from the transferable skills developed across the two specifications. The assessment objectives (AOs) are based on the GCSE English Language objectives; Entry Level descriptors of achievement have been matched to these, giving threads of learning running right through Entry Levels 1, 2 and 3 to GCSE. This allows you to focus your teaching on the same AOs with both Entry Level and GCSE students.
We have consulted teachers and subject experts to ensure the specification meets the needs of you and your students.
The GCSE-ready descriptors offer excellent preparation for GCSE English Language by allowing teachers to easily identify when a student has developed the skills they need to progress to the GCSE. It will also equip your students with essential life-skills and a progression route for future employment.
The assessment method will provide a straightforward but flexible approach which fosters high-quality teaching and learning and will aim for clarity so that you can focus on your students rather than administration.
With Step Up to English your students will receive the award that fairly represents their attainment and reflects the skills that they have demonstrated.
You can find out about all our English qualifications at aqa.org.uk/english
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T: 0161 9537504