3.4 Mechanics and materials

Vectors and their treatment are introduced followed by development of the student’s knowledge and understanding of forces, energy and momentum. The section continues with a study of materials considered in terms of their bulk properties and tensile strength. As with earlier topics, this section and also the following section Electricity would provide a good starting point for students who prefer to begin by consolidating work.

3.4.1 Force, energy and momentum Scalars and vectors


Opportunities for skills development

Nature of scalars and vectors.

Examples should include:

velocity/speed, mass, force/weight, acceleration, displacement/distance.

Addition of vectors by calculation or scale drawing.

Calculations will be limited to two vectors at right angles. Scale drawings may involve vectors at angles other than 90 °.

Resolution of vectors into two components at right angles to each other.

Examples should include components of forces along and perpendicular to an inclined plane.

Problems may be solved either by the use of resolved forces or the use of a closed triangle.

Conditions for equilibrium for two or three coplanar forces acting at a point. Appreciation of the meaning of equilibrium in the context of an object at rest or moving with constant velocity.

MS 0.6, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5 / PS 1.1

Investigation of the conditions for equilibrium for three coplanar forces acting at a point using a force board. Moments


Opportunities for skills development

Moment of a force about a point.

Moment defined as force × perpendicular distance from the point to the line of action of the force .

Couple as a pair of equal and opposite coplanar forces.

Moment of couple defined as force × perpendicular distance between the lines of action of the forces .

Principle of moments.

Centre of mass.

Knowledge that the position of the centre of mass of uniform regular solid is at its centre. Motion along a straight line


Opportunities for skills development

Displacement, speed, velocity, acceleration.



Calculations may include average and instantaneous speeds and velocities.

Representation by graphical methods of uniform and non-uniform acceleration.

Significance of areas of velocity–time and acceleration–time graphs and gradients of displacement–time and velocity–time graphs for uniform and non-uniform acceleration eg graphs for motion of bouncing ball.

Equations for uniform acceleration:





Acceleration due to gravity, g .

MS 3.6, 3.7 / PS 1.1, 3.1

Distinguish between instantaneous velocity and average velocity.

MS 3.5, 3.6

Measurements and calculations from displacement–time, velocity–time and acceleration–time graphs.

MS 0.5, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

Calculations involving motion in a straight line.

Required practical 3 : Determination of g by a freefall method.

MS 0.3, 1.2, 3.7 / AT d

Students should be able to identify random and systematic errors in the experiment and suggest ways to remove them.

MS 3.9

Determine g from a graph. Projectile motion


Opportunities for skills development

Independent effect of motion in horizontal and vertical directions of a uniform gravitational field. Problems will be solvable using the equations of uniform acceleration.

Qualitative treatment of friction.

Distinctions between static and dynamic friction will not be tested.

Qualitative treatment of lift and drag forces.

Terminal speed.

Knowledge that air resistance increases with speed.

Qualitative understanding of the effect of air resistance on the trajectory of a projectile and on the factors that affect the maximum speed of a vehicle.

PS 2.2, 3.1

Investigation of the factors that determine the motion of an object through a fluid. Newton’s laws of motion


Opportunities for skills development

Knowledge and application of the three laws of motion in appropriate situations.

F=ma for situations where the mass is constant.

PS 4.1 / MS 0.5, 3.2 / AT a, b, d

Students can verify Newton’s second law of motion.

MS 4.1, 4.2

Students can use free-body diagrams. Momentum


Opportunities for skills development


Conservation of linear momentum.

Principle applied quantitatively to problems in one dimension.

Force as the rate of change of momentum, F=mvt

Impulse = change in momentum

Ft=mv , where F is constant.

Significance of the area under a force–time graph.

Quantitative questions may be set on forces that vary with time. Impact forces are related to contact times (eg kicking a football, crumple zones, packaging).

Elastic and inelastic collisions; explosions.

Appreciation of momentum conservation issues in the context of ethical transport design.

MS 2.2, 2.3

Students can apply conservation of momentum and rate of change of momentum to a range of examples. Work, energy and power


Opportunities for skills development

Energy transferred, W=Fscosθ

rate of doing work=rate of energy transfer,  P=Wt=Fv

Quantitative questions may be set on variable forces.

Significance of the area under a force–displacement graph.

efficiency=useful output powerinput power

Efficiency can be expressed as a percentage.

MS 0.3 / PS 3.3, 4.1 / AT a, b, f .

Investigate the efficiency of an electric motor being used to raise a mass through a measured height. Students should be able to identify random and systematic errors in the experiment and suggest ways to remove them. Conservation of energy


Opportunities for skills development

Principle of conservation of energy.

Ep=mgh and Ek=12mv2

Quantitative and qualitative application of energy conservation to examples involving gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, and work done against resistive forces.

MS 0.4, 2.2

Estimate the energy that can be derived from food consumption.

3.4.2 Materials Bulk properties of solids


Opportunities for skills development

Density, ρ=mV

Hooke’s law, elastic limit,

F=kL , k  as stiffness and spring constant.

Tensile strain and tensile stress.

Elastic strain energy, breaking stress.

energy stored=12FL=area under force-extension graph

Description of plastic behaviour, fracture and brittle behaviour linked to force–extension graphs.

Quantitative and qualitative application of energy conservation to examples involving elastic strain energy and energy to deform.

Spring energy transformed to kinetic and gravitational potential energy.

Interpretation of simple stress–strain curves.

Appreciation of energy conservation issues in the context of ethical transport design.

MS 0.2, 4.3 / PS 3.3, 4.1

Students can compare the use of analogue and digital meters.

MS 0.4, 4.3 / AT e

Estimate the volume of an object leading to an estimate of its density. The Young modulus


Opportunities for skills development

Young modulus=tensile stresstensile strain=FLAL

Use of stress–strain graphs to find the Young modulus.

(One simple method of measurement is required.)

MS 3.1

Required practical 4: Determination of the Young modulus by a simple method.