3.5 Vocabulary

The minimum core vocabulary lists are primarily intended as a guide for teachers to assist in the planning of schemes of work.

The assessment tasks at Foundation Tier will require students to understand and respond to common or familiar words and/or forms of words that are not on the vocabulary list.

The assessment tasks at Higher Tier will require students to understand and respond to common or familiar words and/or forms of words that are not on the vocabulary list and which are less common or familiar than those used in relation to Foundation Tier assessments.

Vocabulary listed under a particular theme should be considered transferable, as appropriate, to the other themes.

Students will be expected to be familiar with feminine forms of nouns/adjectives where these are not given.

3.5.1 Rubrics and instructions

The following is a guide to the sort of rubrics and instructions which will be used in Section B of the Listening and Reading exams. The list is indicative, not exclusive.

Completa/Rellena la tabla/el texto/el espacio blanco en español .Complete/Fill in the table/the text/the blank space in Spanish .
Completa la frase/las frases…Complete the phrase(s)/sentence(s)...
Contesta a las preguntas en español .Answer the questions in Spanish .
Da (dos) detalles...Give (two) details...
Escribe la(s) letra(s) correcta(s) en cada casilla.Write the correct letter(s) in each box.
Escribe la letra correcta/el número correcto en la casilla.Write the correct letter/number in the box.
Escribe todos los detalles.Write all the details/Give full details.
Escucha la descripción/la opinión/la entrevista/las noticias…Listen to the description/the opinion/the interview/the news…
Indica las…frases verdaderas.Indicate the …true phrases/sentences.
Lee el texto / el artículo / la lista de actividades / la lista de instrucciones / la información.Read the text/the article/the list of activities/the list of instructions/the information.
Lee lo que dicen…Read what they say…
Menciona una ventaja/desventaja…Mention one advantage/disadvantage…
No es necesario escribir con frases completas.It is not necessary to write in full sentences.


P si la opinión es positiva

N si la opinión es negativa

P+N si la opinión es positiva y negativa

Write :

P if the opinion is positive

N if the opinion is negative

P+N if the opinion is positive and negative

Puedes escribir la misma letra más de una vez.You can use the same letter more than once.
Responde a las dos partes de la pregunta.Answer both parts of the question.
Selecciona/Escoge el párrafo…Select/Choose the paragraph…

The following is a guide to the sort of rubrics and instructions which will be used in the Writing exam. The list is indicative, not exclusive.

Escribe aproximadamente 40 palabras en español .Write approximately 40 words in Spanish .
Escribe aproximadamente 90 palabras en español . Responde a todos los aspectos de la pregunta.Write approximately 90 words in Spanish . Write something about each bullet point.
Escribe aproximadamente 150 palabras en español . Responde a los dos aspectos de la pregunta.Write approximately 150 words in Spanish . Write something about both bullet points.
Escribe cuatro frases en español que describan la foto.Write four sentences in Spanish about the photo.
Escríbele sobre…Write to him/her about…
Escríbele una carta/un email.Write a letter/email to him/her.

3.5.2 General vocabulary

Students will be expected to use and understand the general vocabulary listed below. This vocabulary is not restricted to specific settings and can occur in any of the themes listed in the specification. Comparisons

Spanish English
bastantesufficient, enough, quite
compararto compare
demasiadotoo, too much
igual quesame as
más (que)more (than)
mayormain, major, larger, bigger, greater
mayoría, lamost, majority
mejorbetter, best
menorsmaller, less, least
menos (que)less (than)
parecido alike, similar to
peorworse, worst
poco (eg poco ruidoso)not very
tan … comoas … as
tanto … comoas much … as

Students will also be expected to know comparatives and superlatives of the above adjectives and adverbs. Conjunctions

Spanish English
a pesar dein spite of, despite
así queso, therefore
aun (si)even (if)
aunquealthough, (even) though
comoas, since
mientras (que)while, meanwhile
por esofor that reason, therefore
por lo tantotherefore
puesthen, since
sin embargohowever
tal vezmaybe, perhaps
ya (que)as, since Connectives

Spanish English
ademásmoreover, besides
aparte deapart from
claro queof course
dado quegiven that
es decirin other words, that is to say
por un lado/por otro ladoon the one hand/on the other hand
por una parte/por otra parteon the one hand/on the other hand
sin dudaobviously, certainly Prepositions

Spanish English
ato, at
defrom, of
porthrough, by, in, for, per
segúnaccording to
sinwithout Negatives

Spanish English
ni…nineither … nor
ningunonone, no-one
sinobut, except
tampoconeither/not ... either ...
ya nonot any more Important verbs

Spanish English
acabar de + infinitiveto have just (done something)
comenzarto begin
continuarto continue
darto give
darse cuenta (de)to realise
debermust, have to
decidirto decide
dejar deto stop (doing something)
echarto throw
empezarto begin
estarto be
hace(n) faltato need, to be necessary
hacerto do, to make
hacerseto become
haythere is, there are
hay queone must, one has to
irto go
ir a + infinitive(to be) going to (do something)
irseto go away, to leave
necesitarto need
ocurrirto happen
pasarto happen, to go through, to spend (time)
poderto be able, can
ponerto put
ponerse ato start doing something
quererto want; to love
quisieraI’d like
saberto know (a fact, how to do something)
seguirto continue, to follow
serto be
solerto regularly do something
tenerto have, to own
tener lugarto take place
tener queto have to do something
volver ato do (something) again
volverseto become The alphabet

Students should be familiar with the Spanish alphabet and should be able to spell words and names. Numbers

All cardinal numbers 0–1,000 and the word for 1,000,000 (un millón)

Ordinal numbers first-tenth (primero-décimo)

Other number expressions
Spanish English
docena, unadozen
número, elnumber
par, unpair, couple
unos (diez)about (10) Asking questions

Spanish English
¿cuánto?how much?
¿cuántos …?how many?
¿de dónde?where from?
¿de quién?whose?
¿por dónde?through where?
¿por qué?why?
Common questions
Spanish English
¿a qué hora?at what time?
¿cuánto cuesta(n)?how much does it/do they cost?
¿cuánto es?how much is it?
¿cuánto vale(n)?how much does it/do they cost?
¿cuántos años tiene(s)?how old are you?
¿de qué color?what colour?
¿para/por cuánto tiempo?for how long?
¿qué día?what day?
¿qué fecha?what date?
¿qué hora es?what time is it? Greetings and exclamations

Spanish English
¡Basta ya!That’s enough!
¡Buen viaje!Have a good trip!
¡Buena suerte!Good luck!
¡Claro!Of course!
¡Cuidado!Careful! Watch out!
¡Felices vacaciones!Have a good holiday!
¡Felicidades!Best wishes! Congratulations!
¡Ojo!Watch out! Careful!
¡Qué (+ adjective)!How …!
¡Qué (+ noun)!What a …!
¡Que lo pase(s) bien!Have a good time!
¡Qué va!Come on! Rubbish! Nonsense!
¿Cómo está(s)?How are you?
¿De veras?Really?
¿Qué hay?What’s happening? What’s the matter?
¿Qué pasa?What’s happening? What’s the matter?
¿Qué tal?How are you? How’s …?
con permisoexcuse me
de nadayou’re welcome/don’t mention it
encantadopleased to meet you
hasta el (lunes)till/see you (Monday)
hasta luegosee you later
hasta mañanasee you tomorrow
hasta prontosee you soon
lo sientoI'm sorry
mucho gustopleased to meet you
por favorplease
saludarto greet, to say hello
saludosregards, greetings
valeok Opinions

Spanish English
aburridoboring, bored
apropiadocorrect, appropriate
calidad, laquality
desventaja, ladisadvantage
divertidoamusing, entertaining
emocionanteexciting, thrilling, moving
entretenidoentertaining, amusing
espléndidofantastic, great, terrific
estupendofantastic, marvellous
fatalawful, fatal
fenomenalgreat, fantastic
genialbrilliant, great
impresionanteimpressive, striking
insegurounsafe, uncertain
preciosoprecious, beautiful
profundodeep, profound
rarostrange, rare
segurosafe, certain
sencillosimple, plain, straightforward
tranquilopeaceful, quiet
únicounique, only, single
ventaja, laadvantage
aburrirseto get bored
adorarto adore, to love
alegrarto cheer up
alegrarse (de)to be happy about
apreciarto appreciate
aprovecharto make the most
aprovecharse (de)to take advantage (of)
creerto believe
dar igualto be all the same, to make no difference
decepcionarto disappoint
decirto say
desearto wish
disfrutarto enjoy
divertirseto have a good time
dudarto doubt
encantarto delight
esperarto hope
estar de acuerdoto agree
estar a favorto be in favour of
estar en contrato be against
estar harto deto be fed up of
fastidiarto annoy, to bother
interesar(se)to interest, to be interested in
odiarto hate
opinarto think, to give an opinion
parecerto seem
pasarlo bien/malto have a good/bad time
pensarto think
ponerse de acuerdoto agree
preferirto prefer
quedar ento agree
querer decirto mean
razón, unareason
reconocerto recognise
sentir(se)to feel
tener razónto be right
valer la penato be worth the trouble Expressions of time

The seasons
Spanish English
estación, laseason
invierno, elwinter
otoño, elautumn
primavera, laspring
verano, elsummer
Other time expressions
Spanish English
a diariodaily, everyday
a eso de ...at about ...
a fines de …at/to the end of …
a mediados de …around the middle of …
a menudooften
a partir defrom
a vecessometimes
ahoranow, nowadays
al mismo tiempoat the same time
algunas vecessometimes
anochelast night
año, elyear
antes (de)before
brevebrief, short
cada (...) días/horasevery (…) days/hours
de momentoat the moment, right now
de nuevoagain
de repentesuddenly
de vez en cuandonow and then, from time to time
dentro de (..) días/horaswithin (..) days/hours
desde hacesince
después (de)after, afterwards
día, elday
durarto last
en seguida/enseguidastraightaway
esta nochetonight
fecha, ladate
fin de semana, elweekend
hace (+ time)it’s been …
los lunes etcMondays etc
luegothen, afterwards
mañana, lamorning
mes, elmonth
mientras tantomeanwhile
mucho tiempoa long time
noche, lanight
otra vezagain
pasado, elpast
pasado (adj)past
pasado mañanaday after tomorrow
pocas vecesseldom, a few times
por año etcper year etc
por finat last
por lo generalgenerally
porvenir, elfuture
principio, albeginning (at the)
que viene (el mes etc)next (month etc)
quince díasfortnight
rato, elwhile, short time
semana, laweek
siglo, elcentury
siguientenext, following
sobreon, around
solo (sólo)only
tardarto take time
tarde, laafternoon, evening
temporada, laperiod, spell, season
tener prisato be in a hurry
tiempo, eltime
todas (las semanas)every (week)
todavíastill, yet
todos (los días/meses)every (day/month)
vez, unaonce
veces, dos/tres etctwice, three times Location and distance

Spanish English
a un paso (de)a few steps away
abajo (de)under, below
afuera (de)outside
al final (de)at the end of
alláover there
allíover there
alrededor (de)around
arriba (de)above, on top (of)
cerca (de)near
debajo (de)under
delante (de)in front of
dentro (de)inside
derecha, a la _on the right, to the right
derecho, (todo _ )straight ahead
detrás (de)behind
en/por todas parteseverywhere
en las afuerasin the outskirts
encima (de)above, on top, overhead
enfrente (de)opposite
este, eleast
fondo, en el/alat the back, at the bottom
fuera (de)outside
izquierda, a la _on the left, to the left
lado, al _ (de)next to
lejanofar away, distant, remote
lejos (de)far (from)
lugar, elplace
medio (de), en (el) _in the middle of
norte, elnorth
oeste, elwest
sitio, elplace
sur, elsouth
todo rectostraight ahead
estar situadoto be situated
encontrarseto be situated Colours

Spanish English
color, elcolour
moradopurple, violet
vivovivid, bright Weights and measures

Spanish English
alcanzarto reach
altotall, high
altura, laheight
ancho, elwidth
bajolow, short
bolsa, labag
bote, eljar
caja, labox
cantidad, laquantity
cartón, elcarton
cuarto, unquarter
delgadoslim, thin
lata, latin
medida, lameasure
mitad, lahalf
pedazo, elpiece
peso, elweight
poco, unlittle
ración, laportion
talla, lasize (clothes)
tamaño, elsize
trozo, elpiece
bastarto be enough
medirto measure
pesarto weigh Shape

Spanish English
forma, lashape
redondoround Weather

Spanish English
buen/mal tiempogood/bad weather
calurosohot, warm
chubasco, elshower
cielo, elsky
clima, elclimate
despejadoclear (skies)
establestable, steady, unchanged
grado, eldegree
hielo, elice
lluvia, larain
niebla, lafog
nieve, lasnow
nube, lacloud
pronóstico, elforecast
relámpago, ellightning
sombra, lashade, shadow
templadomild, temperate
tiempo, elweather
tormenta, lastorm
trueno, elthunder
viento, elwind
hacer (frío, calor etc)to be (cold, hot etc)
helarto freeze
lloverto rain
mojar(se)to get wet
nevarto snow
tener (calor, frío)to feel (hot, cold..) Access

Spanish English
abrirto open
cerrarto close
gratisfree (of charge)
gratuitofree (of charge)
librefree; unoccupied
ocupadoengaged; occupied
permitirto allow
prohibirto forbid, to ban Correctness

Spanish English
ciertocertain, sure, true
falta, laerror
mentira, lalie, untruth
razón, lareason
verdad, latruth
corregirto correct
estar equivocadoto make a mistake, to be wrong
mentirto tell a lie
tener razónto be right Materials

Spanish English
algodón, elcotton
cerámica, lapottery
cristal, elglass, crystal
cuero, elleather
lana, lawool
madera, lawood
oro, elgold
papel, elpaper
piel, laleather, skin
plata, lasilver
seda, lasilk
tela, lafabric, material
vidrio, elglass Common abbreviations

Spanish English
Sr (señor)Mr
Sra (señora)Mrs
Srta (señorita)Miss
Sta (santa)St
c/ (calle)street
1°/primero (2°, 3° etc)1st (2nd, 3rd etc)
1ª/primera (2ª, 3ª etc)1st (2nd, 3rd etc)
Dr (doctor)Dr
Dra (doctora)Dr
AVE, elhigh-speed train
Renfe/RENFESpanish railways
Avda (avenida)avenue
EEUU (Estados Unidos)USA

3.5.3 Theme-based vocabulary (Foundation Tier) Identity and culture

Me, my family and friends
Spanish English
abuelo, elgrandfather
adolescente, elteenager
amor, ellove
anciano(very) old
anciano, elold person
apellido, ellast name
aspecto, elappearance, looks
barba, labeard
bebé, elbaby
besarto kiss
beso, elkiss
bigote, elmoustache
cara, laface
cariño, elaffection
cariñosoaffectionate, tender
casamiento, elwedding
casarseto get married
castañochestnut, brown
compañero, elfriend, mate
comprenderto understand
comprensión, launderstanding
conocerto know, be familiar with, get to know
consejo, eladvice
cuidarto look after
cumplir añosto have a birthday
dar las graciasto thank
dar un paseo/una vueltato go for a stroll/ride
discutirto discuss
disputa, laargument
echar de menosto miss someone
edad, laage
enamoradoin love
enamorarseto fall in love
encontrar(se)to meet with someone
fastidiarto annoy, to bother
felicidad, lahappiness
fiesta, laparty
gafas, lasglasses
gente, lapeople
hermanastro, elstepbrother
hijo (único), el(single) child
hijos, loschildren
hombre, elman
invitado, elguest
joven, elyoung person
jubilado, elOAP, pensioner
jubilarseto retire
juventud, layouth, young people
lisostraight (hair)
llamarseto be called
llevarse bien/mal conto get on (well/badly) with someone
madrastra, lastepmother
marido, elhusband
matrimonio, elmarriage, married couple
miembro, elmember
molestarto bother
morenodark (-haired, -skinned)
mujer, lawife; woman
nacerto be born
nacimiento, elbirth
nieto, elgrandchild
niño, elchild
nombre, elname
novio, elboyfriend
ocio, elfree time, leisure
ojo, eleye
oreja, laear
padrastro, elstepfather
parientes, losrelatives
pasearto go for a walk
paseo, elouting, stroll, walk
pecas, lasfreckles
pelea, lafight
pelear(se)to fight
pelo, elhair
perdonarto forgive
perezosolazy, idle
primo, elcousin
recuerdo, elmemory
reírseto laugh
reunión, laget-together
romperto break
sala de fiestas, ladance hall, nightclub
salida, laouting
salirto go out
sentido del humor, elsense of humour
sentimiento, elfeeling
serioserious, responsible
simpáticokind, nice, pleasant
solterosingle (not married)
sonreírseto smile
tener ganasto feel like
tener…añosto be…years old
tiempo libre, elfree time
tío, eluncle
traviesonaughty, mischievous
valientebrave, bold
vecino, elneighbour
Technology in everyday life
Spanish English
accederto access
archivo, elfile
borrarto erase, delete
buzón, elmail box
colgarto put (photos on social media, etc.)
correo basura, elspam
correo electrónico, elemail
crearto create
descargarto download
disco duro, elhard drive
enviarto send
funcionarto work, to function
grabarto record, to burn (a disk)
guardarto save
hablarto speak, talk
mandarto send
mensaje (de texto), eltext (message)
muro, elwall
navegarto surf
ordenador, elcomputer
pantalla, lascreen
periódico (digital), el(digital) newspaper
portátil, el (ordenador)laptop
publicarto publish
puntodot, full stop
ratón, elmouse
recibirto receive
red, lanetwork, internet
red social, lasocial network
revista (digital), la(digital) magazine, (e-magazine)
riesgo, elrisk
sala de chat, lachat room
teclado, elkeyboard
videojuego, elvideo game
Free-time activities
Spanish English
artista, elartist
a la planchagrilled
aceite, eloil
actriz, laactress
aficionado, elfond of/keen on/enthusiast
agua mineral (con/sin gas) (f), el(fizzy/still) mineral water
ajo, elgarlic
al aire libreoutdoors
alimento, elfoodstuff
almorzarto have lunch
almuerzo, ellunch
alpinismo, elmountain climbing
andarto walk
anuncio (publicitario), eladvert
arroz, elrice
atún, eltuna
azúcar, el (la)sugar
bailarto dance
baile, eldancing
baloncesto, elbasketball
barra (de pan), la(bread) loaf
batería, ladrums
beberto drink
bebida, ladrink
bicicleta/bici, labicycle, bike
billar, elbilliards
bistec, elsteak
bocadillo, elsandwich
calamares, lossquid
campeón, elwinner, champion
campeonato, elchampionship
canción, lasong
cantante, elsinger
cantarto sing
caramelo, elboiled sweet
carne, lameat
carta, lamenu
cebolla, laonion
cena, ladinner
cenarto have the evening meal
cerveza, labeer
ciencia ficción, lascience fiction
cocina, lacuisine, cooking
cocinarto cook
col, lacabbage
comerto eat
comida (basura/rápida), lajunk/fast food
comida, lameal, lunch
concurso, elcontest, competition
copa, lawine glass
copa, lacup, trophy
correrto run
cuchara, laspoon
cuchillo, elknife
cuenta, labill
champiñones, losmushrooms
chorizo, elsausage
chuleta, lachop
churros, losfritters
de cerdopork
de corderolamb
de terneraveal
de vacabeef
deporte, elsport
deportista, el/lasports person
desayunarto have breakfast
desayuno, elbreakfast
dibujos animados, loscartoons
diversión, lapastime, hobby, entertainment
divertir(se)to have a good time
documental, eldocumentary
elegirto choose
en directolive
entrada, laticket
equipo, elteam; equipment
equitación, lahorse riding
escogerto choose
espectáculo, elshow
estadio, elstadium
estrella, lastar
filete, elsteak
flan, elcrème caramel
fresa, lastrawberry
galleta, labiscuit
gambas, lasprawns
ganarto win
gazpacho, elcold soup
gol, elgoal
grasa, lafat
guisantes, lospeas
heladería, laice cream parlour
helado, elice cream
hielo, elice
historia, lastory
huevo, elegg
jamón (de york), elboiled ham
jamón serrano, elcured ham
judías verdes, lasstring beans
juego, elgame, fun, amusement
Juegos Olímpicos, losOlympic Games
jugador, elplayer
jugarto play
leche, lamilk
lechuga, lalettuce
legumbres, lasvegetables, pulses
letra, lawords (of song)
mantequilla, labutter
manzana, laapple
marcar (un gol)to score (a goal)
mariscos, losseafood
merienda, lasnack/picnic
mermelada, lajam
monopatín, elskateboard
montar (a caballo, en bici)to ride (horse/bike)
nada másnothing else
nadarto swim
naranja, laorange
nata, lacream
natación, laswimming
noticias, lasnews
papel, elrole
partido, elmatch
pastel, elcake, pie
patata, lapotato
patinaje, elskating
patinarto skate
pedirto order, ask for
película, lafilm
pelota, laball
pera, lapear
perderto lose
perrito caliente, elhot dog
pesca, lafishing
pescado, elfish
pescarto fish
pimienta, lapepper
pimiento, elgreen pepper
piña, lapineapple
pista de hielo, laice rink
pista, latrack, court, run, slope, rink
plátano, elbanana
plato (combinado), el(set) dish
policíacopolice (adj)
pollo, elchicken
postre, eldessert
probarto taste, to try
queso, elcheese
sal, lasalt
salchicha, lasausage
salchichón, elsalami
salsa, lasauce
ser aficionado ato be very keen on/fond of (activity)
servicios, lostoilets
sopa, lasoup
tapas, lasnibbles, bar snacks
taquilla, labox office
té, eltea
telenovela, lasoap opera
tenedor, elfork
tener hambreto be hungry
tener sedto be thirsty
tocarto play (an instrument), to touch
tomarto have, to take
torneo, eltournament
tortilla, laomelette
tostada, latoast
traerto bring
uvas, lasgrapes
vaso, elglass
vela, lasail, sailing
verduras, lasvegetables
vino (blanco/rosado/tinto), el(white/rosé/red) wine
zanahoria, lacarrot
zumo (de fruta), el(fruit) juice
Customs and festivals in Spanish-speaking countries/communities
Spanish English
Año Nuevo, elNew Year
castañuelas, lascastanets
corrida, labullfight
costumbre, lacustom, way
Día de los Muertos, elAll Souls’ Day
Día de Reyes, elEpiphany, 6 January
día festivo, elpublic holiday
feria, lafair
fiesta, lafestival
juguete, eltoy
NochebuenaChristmas Eve
Nochevieja31 December
Papá NoelFather Christmas
Pascua, laEaster
Reyes Magos, losthe Three Kings
santo, elsaint’s day
Semana Santa, laEaster week
Tomatina, latomato throwing festival
tener suerteto be lucky
torero, elbullfighter
toro, elbull Local, national, international and global areas of interest

Home, town, neighbourhood and region
Spanish English
a mitad de preciohalf price
abrigo, elcoat
afueras, lasoutskirts
ahorrarto save
alfombra, lacarpet
alquilarto rent, to hire
alquiler, elrent
anuncio, eladvert, announcement
aparcamiento, elparking
árbol, eltree
armario, elwardrobe, cupboard
arreglarto tidy; to fix
ascensor, ellift, elevator
aseo, elbathroom, WC
ayuntamiento, eltown hall
bajarto go down
bañador, elswimming costume
baño, elbathroom; bath
barrio, elneighbourhood
biblioteca, lalibrary
billete, elbanknote
blusa, lablouse
bolera, labowling alley
bolso, elhandbag
bosque, elforest, woods
botas, lasboots
caja, latill
calcetines, lossocks
calefacción, laheating
calle, lastreet
cama, labed
cambio, elchange, exchange
camisa, lashirt
camiseta, laT-shirt
campo, elcountryside, grounds
cancha (de tenis etc), lacourt
carnicería, labutcher’s
casa (adosada), lahouse (semi-detached)
céntimo, elcent
centro comercial, elshopping centre
centro, elcentre, down town
césped, ellawn
chalet/chalé, elbungalow, house
chandal, eltracksuit
cine, elcinema
cinturón, elbelt
ciudad, lacity
club (de jóvenes etc), el(youth) club
cocina, lacooker; kitchen
collar, elnecklace
comedor, eldining room
comisaría, lapolice station
cómodocomfortable, convenient, handy
compartirto share
comprarto buy
compras, lasshopping
construirto build
contarto count, to tell/recount
corbata, latie
CorreosPost Office
cortarto cut, to mow
cortina, lacurtain
cosa, lathing
costarto be difficult/hard
cuarto de baño, elbathroom
dar ato look onto
deberto owe
descuento, eldiscount
devolverto return
dinero, elmoney
dirección, laaddress
dormitorio, elbedroom
ducha, lashower
edificio, elbuilding
entrada, laentrance
entrarto go in, to enter
escalera, lastairs
espacio, elspace
estanco, eltobacconist’s
estante, elshelf
estantería, lashelves
estar de modato be in fashion
fábrica, lafactory
falda, laskirt
flor, laflower
fregadero, elkitchen sink
gastarto spend money, to use (energy)
gorra, lacap
grandes almacenes, losdepartment store
granja, lafarm
guantes, losgloves
habitación, laroom
habitante, elinhabitant
hacer colato queue
hacer la(s) compra(s)to do the shopping
iglesia, lachurch
joyería, lajeweller’s
juguetería, latoy shop
lado, elside
lago, ellake
lavabo, elwashbasin
lavadora, lawashing machine
lavaplatos, eldishwasher
lavarto wash
libra (esterlina), lapound (sterling)
librería, labookcase
librería, labookshop
llave, lakey
llevar (puesto)to wear
luz, lalight
maquillaje, elmake-up
máquina, lamachine
mercado, elmarket
mesa, latable
mezquita, lamosque
microondas, elmicrowave oven
moda, lafashion
monedero, elpurse
mostrarto show
muebles, losfurniture
museo, elmuseum
nevera, lafridge
paga, lapocket money
pagarto pay
panadería, labakery
pantalón corto, elshorts
papelera, lawastepaper basket
papelería, lastationery shop
paraguas, elumbrella
pared, lawall
parque infantil, elplayground
pasillo, elcorridor
pastelería, lapastry shop
peluquería, lahairdresser’s
pendientes, losearrings
pescadería, lafish monger’s
piso, elfloor; flat
planta baja, laground floor
planta, lafloor
planta, laplant
plaza de toros, labull ring
plaza, lasquare
población, lapopulation
polideportivo, elsports centre
ponerseto put on (clothes)
precio, elprice
pueblo, elvillage; people, nation
puente, elbridge
puerta, ladoor
puerto, elport, harbour
rebajarto reduce (price; weight)
rebajas, lassales
recibo, elreceipt
regalarto give a present
regalo, elpresent, gift
reloj, elwatch
repartirto deliver
río, elriver
ropa (de marca), la(designer) clothes
ruido, elnoise
salón, ellounge
sentarseto sit down
sierra, lamountain range
silla, lachair
sillón, elarmchair
subirto go up
suelo, elfloor
sugerirto suggest
talla, lasize (clothes)
tarjeta de crédito, lacredit card
teatro, eltheatre
terraza, laterrace
tienda de comestibles, lagrocery store
tienda de ropa, laclothes shop
tienda, lashop
vaqueros, losjeans
vendedor, elsales assistant
venderto sell
venta, lasale
ventana, lawindow
vestido, eldress
vestirseto get dressed, to dress
zapatería, lashoe shop
zapatillas de deporte, lastrainers
zapatos, losshoes
zona peatonal, lapedestrian zone/area
Social issues
Spanish English
acostarseto go to bed
caer(se)to fall down
cansadotired, tiring
cansar(se)to get tired
cigarrillo, elcigarette
contribuirto contribute
corazón, elheart
cuerpo, elbody
despertarseto wake up
dolerto hurt
dolor, elpain, ache
dormir(se)to sleep; to fall asleep
droga (blanda/dura), la(soft/hard) drug
drogarseto take drugs
ejercicio (físico), el(physical) exercise
emborracharseto get drunk
encontrarse bien/malto feel well/ill
enfermedad, laillness
entrenamiento, eltraining
entrenar(se)to train
estar bien / malto be well/ill
estar en formato be fit
estrés, elstress
estresantestressing, stressful
evitarto avoid
formar parteto be part of
fumador (pasivo), el(passive) smoker
fumarto smoke
humo, elsmoke
levantarseto get up
mantenerse en formato keep fit/in shape
mejorar(se)to get better
morirto die
necesidad, laneed
obra benéfica, lacharity
olerto smell
olor, elsmell
organización benéfica, lacharitable organisation
organizarto organise
participación, laparticipation, taking part
poco sanonot healthy
posibilidad, lapossibility
propósito, elaim, purpose, objective
pulmones, loslungs
residencia (para ancianos), laold people’s home
respirarto breathe
salud, lahealth
sanohealthy, wholesome
sida, elAIDS
tener dolor (de) ...to have a pain (in) …
tener sueñoto feel sleepy
tentación, latemptation
tienda con fines benéficos, lacharity shop
tienda solidaria, lacharity shop
vida, lalife
voluntario, elvolunteer
Global issues
Spanish English
aumentarto increase
basura, larubbish, garbage
belleza, labeauty
beneficiarto benefit
cambio climático, elclimate change
campaña, lacampaign
cartón, elcardboard
combustible, elfuel
contenedor, elcontainer
culpa, lafault, blame, guilt
cultivarto till, to grow, to cultivate
cultivo, elcrop
dañarto harm, to damage
daño, elharm, damage
derechos, losrights
desaparecerto disappear
desarrollo, eldevelopment
ducharseto have a shower
encenderto turn on (lights, TV etc)
encuesta, lapoll, survey
escasoscarce, meagre
extranjero, elforeigner
falta, lalack
faltarto be missing
fuego, elfire
gobierno, elgovernment
injustounjust, unfair
inquietanteworrying, disturbing
inquietar(se)to worry, to upset oneself
justojust, fair
ladrón, elthief
ley, lalaw
libertad, laliberty, freedom
lucharto fight, to struggle
malgastarto waste, to misuse, to squander
matarto kill
medio ambiente, elenvironment
mundialglobal, world-wide
mundo, elworld
naturaleza, lanature
necesitados, losneedy people
pájaro, elbird
peligro, eldanger
petróleo, eloil
pila, labattery
pobreza, lapoverty
preocupación, laworry, anxiety
preocupadoworried, anxious
productos químicos, loschemicals
protegerto protect
químico (adj)chemical
reciclaje, elrecycling
reciclarto recycle
recogerto collect, to gather, to pick up
recurso, elresource
reutilizarto reuse
robarto steal
robo, eltheft, burglary
salvarto save
solucionarto solve, to resolve
Tierra, laEarth
tirarto throw (away)
utilizarto use
ventaja, laadvantage
violencia, laviolence
Travel and tourism
Spanish English
(no) fumador(non) smoking
a mano derecha/izquierdaon the right-/left-hand side
a pieon foot, walking
aeropuerto, elairport
agencia (de viajes), latravel agent’s
aire acondicionado, elair-conditioning
albergue juvenil, elyouth hostel
alojamiento, elaccommodation
alojarseto lodge, to stay
ambiente, elatmosphere
andén, elplatform
aparcarto park
asiento, elseat
autocar, elcoach
autopista, lamotorway
avión, elairplane, aeroplane
bañarseto bathe, to swim
barco, elboat
billete (de ida/de ida y vuelta), el(single/return) ticket
buscarto look for
cama de matrimonio, ladouble bed
cambiarto change
caminarto walk
camino, elpath, route
camping, elcamp site; camping
Canarias, las IslasCanary Islands
carnet de conducir, eldriving licence
carnet de identidad, elidentity card
carnet, elpass; card
carretera, lahighway
coche, elcar
cogerto take, to catch
conducirto drive, to lead
conductor, eldriver
consigna, laleft luggage office
crema solar, lasuncream
crucero, elcruise
cruzarto cross
cheque (de viaje), eltravellers’ cheque
deportes acuáticos, loswater sports
descansarto rest
descanso, elrest, pause
dirección, lamanagement
doblarto turn
equipaje, elluggage
escocésScot, Scottish
esperarto wait
esquí, elskiing
esquiarto ski
estación (de autobuses/trenes), la(bus/coach/train) station
estación de servicio, laservice station
Estados Unidos, losUnited States
estar de vacacionesto be on holiday
excursión, latrip, excursion
extranjero (en el _, al _)abroad
ferrocarril, elrailways
ficha, laregistration form
folleto, elleaflet, pamphlet
gasolina (sin plomo), la(unleaded) petrol
Gran BretañaGreat Britain
guía, elguide
guía, laguidebook
habitación (doble/individual), la(single/double) room
informar(se)to find out
instalaciones, lasfacilities
isla, laisland
llegada, laarrival
llegarto arrive
llevarto take
maleta, lasuitcase
máquina (de fotos), lacamera
mar, elsea
media pensiónhalf board
Mediterráneo, elMediterranean Sea
metro, elunderground
montaña, lamountain
norteamericanoNorth American
país, elcountry
papel higiénico, eltoilet paper
parada, lastop
parador, elstate owned hotel (in Spain)
pararto stop
parque de atracciones, elfairground, funfair
parque temático, eltheme park
pasajero, elpassenger
pasarto spend time; to go through; to pass
paso subterráneo, elunderpass, subway
pensión completafull board
pensión, laboarding house
perderto lose; to miss
perderseto get lost
permiso de conducir, eldriving licence
playa, labeach
postal, lapostcard
quedarseto stay
recepción, lareception
recordarto remember
recuerdo, elsouvenir
regresarto go back
regreso, elreturn
relajarseto relax
reserva, lareservation
reservarto book, to reserve
retraso, eldelay
sacar (fotos)to take photos
saco de dormir, elsleeping bag
sala de espera, lawaiting room
salida, laexit
señal, lasign, signal
sitio, elspace, room
sitio, elplace, site
sudamericanoSouth American
taquilla, laticket office
tardarto take time
tarjeta, lacard, postcard
tienda, latent
tomar el solto sunbathe
torcerto turn
tranvía, eltram
vacaciones, lasholidays
venirto come
verto see
vía, latrack, lane
viajarto travel
viaje, eltrip, journey
viajero, eltraveller
vista, laview
volverto return
vuelo, elflight Current and future study and employment

My studies
Spanish English
alemán, elGerman
arte dramático, eldrama
asignatura, laschool subject
ciencias económicas, laseconomics
ciencias, lasscience
cocina, lafood technology
comercio, elbusiness studies
dibujo, eldrawing/art
director, elhead teacher, principal
enseñarto teach
español, elSpanish
francés, elFrench
gimnasia, lagymnastics
idioma, ellanguage
informática, laIT
inglés, elEnglish
lengua, lalanguage, tongue
nota, lamark
química, lachemistry
sacar buenas/malas notasto get good/bad marks
taller, elworkshop
tarea, latask/homework
trabajadorhard working
trabajos manuales, loshandicrafts
Life at school/college
Spanish English
acoso (escolar), el(school) bullying
agenda, ladiary
alumno, elpupil, student
aprenderto learn
aprobarto approve, to pass (an exam)
apuntes, losnotes
aula (f), elschoolroom
ayuda, lahelp
ayudarto help
bachillerato, elschool leaving exam/baccalaureate
biología, labiology
bolígrafo, elpen
callar(se)to shut up
campo de deportes, elsports field
colegio, elschool
comportamiento, elbehaviour
comportarseto behave
conducta, labehaviour, conduct
contestarto answer
charlarto chat
chicle, elchewing gum
deberes, loshomework
dibujarto draw
diseñarto design
entenderto understand
escribirto write
escuela, laschool
estuche, elpencil case
evaluación, laassessment
examen, elexamination
éxito, elsuccess
explicación, laexplanation
explicarto explain
falta, lamistake; absence
faltarto be absent
fracasarto fail
fracaso, elfailure
gimnasio, elgymnasium
instituto, elsecondary school, institute
intercambio, elexchange
lápices de colores, loscolour pencils
lección, lalesson
leerto read
letra, laletter of the alphabet
levantar la manoto put your hand up
libro, elbook
mirarto look
mochila, larucksack, school bag
molestarto annoy, to bother
nivel, ellevel
oírto listen, to hear
olvidarto forget
página, lapage
palabra, laword
pasar (la) listato call the register
permiso, elpermission
pizarra interactiva, lasmart board
pregunta, laquestion
preguntarto ask a question
prometerto promise, to show promise
prueba, latest, proof
recreo, elbreak, recess, playtime, recreation
regla, larule; ruler
repartirto hand out
repasarto revise
respuesta, laanswer
resumen, elsummary
reunión, lameeting
rutina, laroutine
sala de profesores, lastaffroom
salón de actos, elhall, assembly room
suspenderto fail (exam/subject)
tema, eltopic, theme
tener miedoto be afraid
terminarto finish
trabajo, elwork
trimestre, el(school) term, three month period
vestuarios, loschanging rooms
Education post-16
Spanish English
a tiempo completofull time
a tiempo parcialpart time
aprendiz, elapprentice
aprendizaje, elapprenticeship, training, learning
calificadocompetent, skilled, qualified
carrera, lacareer; profession
comienzo, elbeginning, start
conocimientos, losknowledge
conseguirto get, to achieve
dejarto leave
esperarto hope; to expect
experiencia laboral, lawork experience
tomar un año libre/sabáticoto take a gap year
Jobs, career choices and ambitions
Spanish English
ama de casa, el (f)housewife
bombero, elfirefighter
cajero, elbank-teller, cashier
camarero, elwaiter
carnicero, elbutcher
carta, laletter
cita, laappointment
cocinero, elcook
comerciante, elmerchant, retailer, shop owner
comercio, elcommerce, trade
contrato, elcontract
correo, elpost
dependiente, elshop assistant
ejecutivo, elexecutive, officer
electricista, elelectrician
empleado, elemployee, worker
empleo, eljob, employment
empresa, lacompany
encontrarto find
enfermero, elnurse
entrevista, lainterview
escritor, elwriter
estar en paroto be unemployed
ganarto earn
hombre de negocios, elbusinessman
horas de trabajo flexibles, lasflexitime
ingeniero, elengineer (civil/mechanical)
jardinero, elgardener
jefe, elboss
línea, laline
llamada, lacall
llamar por teléfonoto telephone
llegar a serto become
militar, elserviceman, soldier
objetivo, elaim, objective
obrero, elworkman
obtenerto get, to obtain
panadero, elbaker
paro, elunemployment
peluquero, elhairdresser
periodismo, eljournalism
periodista, eljournalist
pintor, elpainter, artist
policía, elpolice officer
sello, elstamp
sobre, elenvelope
soldado, elsoldier
teletrabajo, elwork from home
título, eluniversity degree
trabajador, elworker
trabajarto work
traductor, eltranslator
triunfarto triumph, to succeed
veterinario, elveterinary surgeon

3.5.4 Theme-based vocabulary (Higher Tier) Identity and culture

Me, my family and friends
Spanish English
acogerto receive, to welcome
aconsejarto advise
acordarto agree on
agradecerto thank
aguantarto bear, to put up with
anillo, elring
apodo, elnickname
atrevidocheeky, insolent, bold, daring
avaromean, miserly
barrera generacional, lageneration gap
boda, lawedding
calladoquiet, reserved
comprometerseto get engaged
compromiso, elengagement
confianza, latrust
confiarto trust
demás, losother people
despedir(se)to say goodbye
disculpar(se)to apologise
esposo, elhusband, spouse
estado civil, elmarital status
gemelo, eltwin
género, elgender
hogar, elhome
huérfano, elorphan
llorarto cry
maltratarto mistreat, abuse
maltrato, elmistreatment, abuse
muchacho, ellad
ocuparse deto look after
parecerse ato look like
pareja, lacouple; partner
relacionarse conto make contact with, to get on with (people)
seguro de sí mismoself-assured
sobrino, elnephew
tratarse (de, con)to treat each other, to have dealings with
vagoidle, lazy
viudo, elwidower
Technology in everyday life
Spanish English
adjuntarto attach
buscador, elsearch engine
contraseña, lapassword
desactivarto block (screen)
guión, elhyphen
guión bajo, elunderscore
herramienta, latool
internauta, elInternet user
marcador, elbookmark
navegador, elbrowser
portada, lahomepage
reproductor, elwidget
servidor de seguridad, elfirewall
usuario, eluser
Free-time activities
Spanish English
actuación, laperformance, role
alimentación, lafood, nourishment
apetecerto fancy, to feel like
bacalao, elcod
banda sonora, lasoundtrack
carrera, larace
deportes de riesgo, losadventure sports
función, lashow, performance
grabación, larecording
hacer colato queue
melocotón, elpeach
merendarto have a snack/picnic
merluza, lahake
nuez, lanut, walnut
piragüismo, elcanoeing
premio, elprize
propina, latip
selección, lateam, side
socio, elmember
trama, laplot
Customs and festivals in Spanish-speaking countries/communities
Spanish English
bandera, laflag
Día de los Inocentes28 December (equivalent of April Fools' Day)
disfraz, elfancy dress
disfrazarse deto dress up as
fecha patria, lanational day to commemorate historic event
gaucho, elcowboy
mariachi, elMexican musician
muñeca, ladoll
paso, elstatue paraded at Easter
villancico, elChristmas carol Local, national, international and global areas of interest

Home, town, neighbourhood and region
Spanish English
aldea, lavillage
bufanda, lascarf
butaca, laarmchair
camisón, elnightgown
cazadora, la(leather) jacket
comunidad, lacommunity
concurridobusy, crowded
de lujoluxury
domicilio, eladdress, home
electrodomésticos, los(electrical) appliances
en efectivocash
enseñarto show
espejo, elmirror
esquina, lacorner
horno, eloven
manta, lablanket
medias, lasstockings
moqueta, lafitted carpet
mudarse (de casa)to move house
negocio, elbusiness
paisaje, ellandscape, scenery
panty, eltights
persianas, lasshutters, venetian blinds
probarseto try on
rebeca, lacardigan
reembolso, elrefund
reparto a domicilio, elhome delivery
semáforo, eltraffic lights
sótano, elbasement, cellar
sudadera, lasweatshirt
surtido, elrange, supply, stock
tamaño, elsize
vestíbulo, elentrance hall, lobby, foyer
vivienda, ladwelling, housing, accommodation
Social issues
Spanish English
advertirto warn
asco, eldisgust
ataque cardíaco, elheart attack
aviso, elwarning, notice
botellón, eldrinking party in the street
cerebro, elbrain
dedicar(se)to do, to go in for, to devote oneself
dolor de oídos, elearache
esfuerzo, eleffort
hacer dañoto injure, to harm
hígado, elliver
ONG, laNGO (non-governmental organisation)
porro, eljoint
primeros auxilios, losfirst aid
propósito, elaim, purpose, objective
provocarto cause, to provoke
seropositivoHIV positive
sobrepeso, eloverweight, obesity
síndrome de abstinencia, elwithdrawal symptoms
tabaquismo, eladdiction to tobacco
Global issues
Spanish English
agotarto exhaust, use up
agujero, elhole
amenazarto threaten
apagarto turn off (lights, etc)
arruinarto ruin, to destroy
atasco, eltraffic jam
aumento, elincrease
beneficio, elbenefit
calentamiento global, elglobal warming
capa de ozono, laozone layer
combatirto fight, to combat
cometerto commit
consumo, elconsumption
desechos, losrubbish, waste
desigualdad, lainequality
desperdicio, elwaste, rubbish, squandering
echar la culpato blame
efecto invernadero, elgreenhouse effect
ensuciarto make dirty, to soil, to make a mess
envase, elwrapping, packaging; container
escasez, lashortage, want, lack
estropearto ruin, to spoil
gamberro, elhooligan, lout, troublemaker
gases de escape, losexhaust fumes
huracán, elhurricane
igualdad, laequality
incendio, elfire
inundación, laflood
lluvia ácida, laacid rain
marea negra, laoil spill
multa, lafine
petrolero, eloil tanker
prejuicio, elprejudice
residuos, losrefuse, waste, rubbish
selva, lajungle, tropical forest
sequía, ladrought
“sin techo”, loshomeless people
testigo, elwitness
vertedero, elrubbish dump, tip
Travel and tourism
Spanish English
abanico, elfan
aduana, lacustoms
avería, labreakdown, fault
averiadobroken down
bonobús, elbus pass
broncearseto get a tan
camión, ellorry
casco, elhelmet
castellanoCastillian, Spanish spoken in Spain
cinturón de seguridad, elseat belt
cruce, elcrossroads, intersection
decepcionarto disappoint
detener(se)to stop
DNIID card
hacer transbordoto change, to transfer
insolación, lasunstroke
motor, elengine
queja, lacomplaint
quejarseto complain
rueda, lawheel
sombrilla, lasunshade, parasol Current and future study and employment

My studies
Spanish English
optarto choose, to opt for
rigurososevere, harsh
sencillosimple, easy
Life at school/college
Spanish English
apoyarto support, to back, to help
apoyo, elhelp, support, backing
carpeta, lafolder, file
castigarto punish
castigo, elpunishment
despacho, eloffice
enseñanza, lateaching; education
entregarto hand in
esforzarseto make an effort
golpearto hit
intimidación, labullying
lectura, lareading
pedir prestadoto borrow
tijeras, lasscissors
traducirto translate
Education post-16
Spanish English
academia, laacademy, school post-16 (for certain careers)
derecho, ellaw (at university)
formación (profesional), lavocational training
lograrto achieve
perspectiva, laprospects, outlook, future developments
Jobs, career choices and ambitions
Spanish English
abogado, ellawyer, solicitor
albañil, elbrick-layer, building worker
azafata, laflight attendant
bombero, elfirefighter
camionero, ellorry driver
carpintero, eljoiner, carpenter
cartero, elpostman
contable, elaccountant
ejército, elarmy
encargado, elperson in charge
encargarse (de)to be in charge of
estar en huelgato be on strike
expectativa, lahope, prospect
gerente, elmanager
granjero, elfarmer
probarto have a go; to try
rellenarto fill in
solicitarto apply
solicitud, la(job) application
sueldo, elwages, salary