The minimum core vocabulary lists are primarily intended as a guide for teachers to assist in the planning of schemes of work.
The assessment tasks at Foundation Tier will require students to understand and respond to common or familiar words and/or forms of words that are not on the vocabulary list.
The assessment tasks at Higher Tier will require students to understand and respond to common or familiar words and/or forms of words that are not on the vocabulary list and which are less common or familiar than those used in relation to Foundation Tier assessments.
Vocabulary listed under a particular theme should be considered transferable, as appropriate, to the other themes.
Students will be expected to be familiar with feminine forms of nouns/adjectives where these are not given.
3.5.1 Rubrics and instructions
The following is a guide to the sort of rubrics and instructions which will be used in Section B of the Listening and Reading exams. The list is indicative, not exclusive.
Spanish | English |
Completa/Rellena la tabla/el texto/el espacio blanco en español . | Complete/Fill in the table/the text/the blank space in Spanish . |
Completa la frase/las frases… | Complete the phrase(s)/sentence(s)... |
Contesta a las preguntas en español . | Answer the questions in Spanish . |
Da (dos) detalles... | Give (two) details... |
Empareja… | Match… |
Escribe la(s) letra(s) correcta(s) en cada casilla. | Write the correct letter(s) in each box. |
Escribe la letra correcta/el número correcto en la casilla. | Write the correct letter/number in the box. |
Escribe todos los detalles. | Write all the details/Give full details. |
Escoge... | Choose… |
Escucha la descripción/la opinión/la entrevista/las noticias… | Listen to the description/the opinion/the interview/the news… |
Indica… | Indicate… |
Indica las…frases verdaderas. | Indicate the …true phrases/sentences. |
Lee el texto / el artículo / la lista de actividades / la lista de instrucciones / la información. | Read the text/the article/the list of activities/the list of instructions/the information. |
Lee lo que dicen… | Read what they say… |
Menciona una ventaja/desventaja… | Mention one advantage/disadvantage… |
No es necesario escribir con frases completas. | It is not necessary to write in full sentences. |
Escribe: P si la opinión es positiva N si la opinión es negativa P+N si la opinión es positiva y negativa | Write : P if the opinion is positive N if the opinion is negative P+N if the opinion is positive and negative |
Puedes escribir la misma letra más de una vez. | You can use the same letter more than once. |
¿Quién…? | Who…? |
Responde a las dos partes de la pregunta. | Answer both parts of the question. |
Selecciona/Escoge el párrafo… | Select/Choose the paragraph… |
The following is a guide to the sort of rubrics and instructions which will be used in the Writing exam. The list is indicative, not exclusive.
Spanish | English |
Escribe aproximadamente 40 palabras en español . | Write approximately 40 words in Spanish . |
Escribe aproximadamente 90 palabras en español . Responde a todos los aspectos de la pregunta. | Write approximately 90 words in Spanish . Write something about each bullet point. |
Escribe aproximadamente 150 palabras en español . Responde a los dos aspectos de la pregunta. | Write approximately 150 words in Spanish . Write something about both bullet points. |
Escribe cuatro frases en español que describan la foto. | Write four sentences in Spanish about the photo. |
Escríbele sobre… | Write to him/her about… |
Escríbele una carta/un email. | Write a letter/email to him/her. |
Menciona… | Mention... |
3.5.2 General vocabulary
Students will be expected to use and understand the general vocabulary listed below. This vocabulary is not restricted to specific settings and can occur in any of the themes listed in the specification. Comparisons
Spanish | English |
bastante | sufficient, enough, quite |
comparar | to compare |
demasiado | too, too much |
igual que | same as |
más (que) | more (than) |
mayor | main, major, larger, bigger, greater |
mayoría, la | most, majority |
mejor | better, best |
menor | smaller, less, least |
menos (que) | less (than) |
mismo | same |
muy | very |
parecido a | like, similar to |
peor | worse, worst |
poco (eg poco ruidoso) | not very |
tan … como | as … as |
tanto … como | as much … as |
Students will also be expected to know comparatives and superlatives of the above adjectives and adverbs. Conjunctions
Spanish | English |
a pesar de | in spite of, despite |
así que | so, therefore |
aun (si) | even (if) |
aunque | although, (even) though |
como | as, since |
cuando | when |
incluso | even |
mientras (que) | while, meanwhile |
o/u | or |
pero | but |
por eso | for that reason, therefore |
por lo tanto | therefore |
porque | because |
pues | then, since |
si | if |
sin embargo | however |
tal vez | maybe, perhaps |
también | also |
ya (que) | as, since | Connectives
Spanish | English |
además | moreover, besides |
aparte de | apart from |
claro que | of course |
dado que | given that |
es decir | in other words, that is to say |
por un lado/por otro lado | on the one hand/on the other hand |
por una parte/por otra parte | on the one hand/on the other hand |
sin duda | obviously, certainly | Prepositions
Spanish | English |
a | to, at |
de | from, of |
en | in |
hacia | towards |
hasta | until |
para | for |
por | through, by, in, for, per |
según | according to |
sin | without | Negatives
Spanish | English |
jamás | never |
ni…ni | neither … nor |
nada | nothing |
nadie | nobody |
ninguno | none, no-one |
nunca | never |
sino | but, except |
tampoco | neither/not ... either ... |
ya no | not any more | Important verbs
Spanish | English |
acabar de + infinitive | to have just (done something) |
comenzar | to begin |
continuar | to continue |
dar | to give |
darse cuenta (de) | to realise |
deber | must, have to |
decidir | to decide |
dejar de | to stop (doing something) |
echar | to throw |
empezar | to begin |
estar | to be |
hace(n) falta | to need, to be necessary |
hacer | to do, to make |
hacerse | to become |
hay | there is, there are |
hay que | one must, one has to |
ir | to go |
ir a + infinitive | (to be) going to (do something) |
irse | to go away, to leave |
necesitar | to need |
ocurrir | to happen |
pasar | to happen, to go through, to spend (time) |
poder | to be able, can |
poner | to put |
ponerse a | to start doing something |
querer | to want; to love |
quisiera | I’d like |
saber | to know (a fact, how to do something) |
seguir | to continue, to follow |
ser | to be |
soler | to regularly do something |
tener | to have, to own |
tener lugar | to take place |
tener que | to have to do something |
volver a | to do (something) again |
volverse | to become | The alphabet
Students should be familiar with the Spanish alphabet and should be able to spell words and names. Numbers
All cardinal numbers 0–1,000 and the word for 1,000,000 (un millón)
Ordinal numbers first-tenth (primero-décimo)
Other number expressions
Spanish | English |
docena, una | dozen |
número, el | number |
par, un | pair, couple |
unos (diez) | about (10) | Asking questions
Spanish | English |
¿(a)dónde? | where? |
¿cómo? | how? |
¿cuál(es)? | which? |
¿cuándo? | when? |
¿cuánto? | how much? |
¿cuántos …? | how many? |
¿de dónde? | where from? |
¿de quién? | whose? |
¿por dónde? | through where? |
¿por qué? | why? |
¿qué? | what? |
¿quién? | who? |
Common questions
Spanish | English |
¿a qué hora? | at what time? |
¿cuánto cuesta(n)? | how much does it/do they cost? |
¿cuánto es? | how much is it? |
¿cuánto vale(n)? | how much does it/do they cost? |
¿cuántos años tiene(s)? | how old are you? |
¿de qué color? | what colour? |
¿para/por cuánto tiempo? | for how long? |
¿qué día? | what day? |
¿qué fecha? | what date? |
¿qué hora es? | what time is it? | Greetings and exclamations
Spanish | English |
¡Basta ya! | That’s enough! |
¡Bienvenido! | Welcome! |
¡Buen viaje! | Have a good trip! |
¡Buena suerte! | Good luck! |
¡Claro! | Of course! |
¡Cuidado! | Careful! Watch out! |
¡Enhorabuena! | Congratulations! |
¡Felices vacaciones! | Have a good holiday! |
¡Felicidades! | Best wishes! Congratulations! |
¡Felicitaciones! | Congratulations! |
¡Ojo! | Watch out! Careful! |
¡Qué (+ adjective)! | How …! |
¡Qué (+ noun)! | What a …! |
¡Que lo pase(s) bien! | Have a good time! |
¡Qué va! | Come on! Rubbish! Nonsense! |
¡Socorro! | Help! |
¿Cómo está(s)? | How are you? |
¿De veras? | Really? |
¿Qué hay? | What’s happening? What’s the matter? |
¿Qué pasa? | What’s happening? What’s the matter? |
¿Qué tal? | How are you? How’s …? |
con permiso | excuse me |
de nada | you’re welcome/don’t mention it |
encantado | pleased to meet you |
hasta el (lunes) | till/see you (Monday) |
hasta luego | see you later |
hasta mañana | see you tomorrow |
hasta pronto | see you soon |
lo siento | I'm sorry |
mucho gusto | pleased to meet you |
perdón | sorry |
perdone | sorry |
por favor | please |
saludar | to greet, to say hello |
saludos | regards, greetings |
vale | ok | Opinions
Spanish | English |
aburrido | boring, bored |
afortunado | lucky |
agradable | pleasant |
antiguo | old |
apropiado | correct, appropriate |
barato | cheap |
bonito | pretty |
bueno | good |
calidad, la | quality |
caro | expensive |
decepcionado | disappointed |
decepcionante | disappointing |
desagradable | unpleasant |
desventaja, la | disadvantage |
distinto | different |
divertido | amusing, entertaining |
duro | hard |
emocionante | exciting, thrilling, moving |
encantador | charming |
entretenido | entertaining, amusing |
espléndido | fantastic, great, terrific |
estupendo | fantastic, marvellous |
fácil | easy |
fatal | awful, fatal |
fenomenal | great, fantastic |
feo | ugly |
genial | brilliant, great |
guay | cool |
hermoso | beautiful |
horroroso | horrible |
impresionante | impressive, striking |
increíble | incredible |
inseguro | unsafe, uncertain |
inútil | useless |
malo | bad |
maravilloso | marvellous |
nuevo | new |
precioso | precious, beautiful |
profundo | deep, profound |
raro | strange, rare |
seguro | safe, certain |
sencillo | simple, plain, straightforward |
sorprendido | surprised |
tonto | silly |
tranquilo | peaceful, quiet |
único | unique, only, single |
útil | useful |
ventaja, la | advantage |
viejo | old |
aburrirse | to get bored |
adorar | to adore, to love |
alegrar | to cheer up |
alegrarse (de) | to be happy about |
apreciar | to appreciate |
aprovechar | to make the most |
aprovecharse (de) | to take advantage (of) |
creer | to believe |
dar igual | to be all the same, to make no difference |
decepcionar | to disappoint |
decir | to say |
desear | to wish |
disfrutar | to enjoy |
divertirse | to have a good time |
dudar | to doubt |
encantar | to delight |
esperar | to hope |
estar de acuerdo | to agree |
estar a favor | to be in favour of |
estar en contra | to be against |
estar harto de | to be fed up of |
fastidiar | to annoy, to bother |
interesar(se) | to interest, to be interested in |
odiar | to hate |
opinar | to think, to give an opinion |
parecer | to seem |
pasarlo bien/mal | to have a good/bad time |
pensar | to think |
ponerse de acuerdo | to agree |
preferir | to prefer |
quedar en | to agree |
querer decir | to mean |
razón, una | reason |
reconocer | to recognise |
sentir(se) | to feel |
tener razón | to be right |
valer la pena | to be worth the trouble | Expressions of time
The seasons
Spanish | English |
estación, la | season |
invierno, el | winter |
otoño, el | autumn |
primavera, la | spring |
verano, el | summer |
Other time expressions
Spanish | English |
a diario | daily, everyday |
a eso de ... | at about ... |
a fines de … | at/to the end of … |
a mediados de … | around the middle of … |
a menudo | often |
a partir de | from |
a veces | sometimes |
ahora | now, nowadays |
al mismo tiempo | at the same time |
algunas veces | sometimes |
anoche | last night |
año, el | year |
antes (de) | before |
ayer | yesterday |
breve | brief, short |
cada (...) días/horas | every (…) days/hours |
casi | nearly |
de momento | at the moment, right now |
de nuevo | again |
de repente | suddenly |
de vez en cuando | now and then, from time to time |
dentro de (..) días/horas | within (..) days/hours |
desde | since |
desde hace | since |
despacio | slowly |
después (de) | after, afterwards |
día, el | day |
durante | during |
durar | to last |
en seguida/enseguida | straightaway |
entonces | then |
esta noche | tonight |
fecha, la | date |
fin de semana, el | weekend |
hace (+ time) | it’s been … |
hoy | today |
lento | slow |
los lunes etc | Mondays etc |
luego | then, afterwards |
mañana | tomorrow |
mañana, la | morning |
mes, el | month |
mientras tanto | meanwhile |
mucho tiempo | a long time |
noche, la | night |
otra vez | again |
pasado, el | past |
pasado (adj) | past |
pasado mañana | day after tomorrow |
pocas veces | seldom, a few times |
por año etc | per year etc |
por fin | at last |
por lo general | generally |
porvenir, el | future |
principio, al | beginning (at the) |
pronto | soon |
próximo | next |
que viene (el mes etc) | next (month etc) |
quince días | fortnight |
rato, el | while, short time |
semana, la | week |
siempre | always |
siglo, el | century |
siguiente | next, following |
sobre | on, around |
solo (sólo) | only |
tardar | to take time |
tarde | late |
tarde, la | afternoon, evening |
temporada, la | period, spell, season |
temprano | early |
tener prisa | to be in a hurry |
tiempo, el | time |
todas (las semanas) | every (week) |
todavía | still, yet |
todos (los días/meses) | every (day/month) |
último | last |
vez, una | once |
veces, dos/tres etc | twice, three times | Location and distance
Spanish | English |
a un paso (de) | a few steps away |
abajo (de) | under, below |
afuera (de) | outside |
ahí | there |
aislado | isolated |
al final (de) | at the end of |
allá | over there |
allí | over there |
alrededor (de) | around |
aquí | here |
arriba (de) | above, on top (of) |
atrás | behind |
cerca (de) | near |
cercano | nearby |
contra | against |
debajo (de) | under |
delante (de) | in front of |
dentro (de) | inside |
derecha, a la _ | on the right, to the right |
derecho, (todo _ ) | straight ahead |
detrás (de) | behind |
en/por todas partes | everywhere |
en las afueras | in the outskirts |
encima (de) | above, on top, overhead |
enfrente (de) | opposite |
entre | between |
este, el | east |
fondo, en el/al | at the back, at the bottom |
fuera (de) | outside |
izquierda, a la _ | on the left, to the left |
lado, al _ (de) | next to |
lejano | far away, distant, remote |
lejos (de) | far (from) |
lugar, el | place |
medio (de), en (el) _ | in the middle of |
norte, el | north |
oeste, el | west |
sitio, el | place |
sur, el | south |
todo recto | straight ahead |
estar situado | to be situated |
encontrarse | to be situated | Colours
Spanish | English |
claro | light |
color, el | colour |
morado | purple, violet |
oscuro | dark |
pálido | pale |
rosa/rosado | pink |
vivo | vivid, bright | Weights and measures
Spanish | English |
alcanzar | to reach |
alto | tall, high |
altura, la | height |
ancho | wide |
ancho, el | width |
bajo | low, short |
bolsa, la | bag |
bote, el | jar |
caja, la | box |
cantidad, la | quantity |
cartón, el | carton |
cuarto, un | quarter |
delgado | slim, thin |
estrecho | narrow |
gordo | fat |
grueso | thick |
lata, la | tin |
lleno | full |
mediano | medium |
medida, la | measure |
medio | half |
mitad, la | half |
pedazo, el | piece |
peso, el | weight |
poco, un | little |
ración, la | portion |
talla, la | size (clothes) |
tamaño, el | size |
trozo, el | piece |
vacío | empty |
bastar | to be enough |
medir | to measure |
pesar | to weigh | Shape
Spanish | English |
cuadrado | square |
forma, la | shape |
redondo | round | Weather
Spanish | English |
buen/mal tiempo | good/bad weather |
caliente | hot |
caluroso | hot, warm |
chubasco, el | shower |
cielo, el | sky |
clima, el | climate |
despejado | clear (skies) |
estable | stable, steady, unchanged |
fresco | fresh |
grado, el | degree |
hielo, el | ice |
húmedo | humid |
lluvia, la | rain |
niebla, la | fog |
nieve, la | snow |
nube, la | cloud |
nublado/nuboso | cloudy |
pronóstico, el | forecast |
relámpago, el | lightning |
seco | dry |
sombra, la | shade, shadow |
templado | mild, temperate |
tiempo, el | weather |
tormenta, la | storm |
tormentoso | stormy |
trueno, el | thunder |
viento, el | wind |
hacer (frío, calor etc) | to be (cold, hot etc) |
helar | to freeze |
llover | to rain |
mojar(se) | to get wet |
nevar | to snow |
tener (calor, frío) | to feel (hot, cold..) | Access
Spanish | English |
abierto | open |
abrir | to open |
cerrado | closed |
cerrar | to close |
gratis | free (of charge) |
gratuito | free (of charge) |
libre | free; unoccupied |
ocupado | engaged; occupied |
permitir | to allow |
prohibido | forbidden |
prohibir | to forbid, to ban | Correctness
Spanish | English |
cierto | certain, sure, true |
equivocado | wrong |
falta, la | error |
mal | badly |
mentira, la | lie, untruth |
mentiroso | liar |
razón, la | reason |
verdad, la | truth |
verdadero | true |
corregir | to correct |
estar equivocado | to make a mistake, to be wrong |
mentir | to tell a lie |
tener razón | to be right | Materials
Spanish | English |
algodón, el | cotton |
cerámica, la | pottery |
cristal, el | glass, crystal |
cuero, el | leather |
lana, la | wool |
madera, la | wood |
oro, el | gold |
papel, el | paper |
piel, la | leather, skin |
plata, la | silver |
seda, la | silk |
tela, la | fabric, material |
vidrio, el | glass | Common abbreviations
Spanish | English |
Sr (señor) | Mr |
Sra (señora) | Mrs |
Srta (señorita) | Miss |
Sta (santa) | St |
c/ (calle) | street |
1°/primero (2°, 3° etc) | 1st (2nd, 3rd etc) |
1ª/primera (2ª, 3ª etc) | 1st (2nd, 3rd etc) |
Dr (doctor) | Dr |
Dra (doctora) | Dr |
AVE, el | high-speed train |
Renfe/RENFE | Spanish railways |
Avda (avenida) | avenue |
EEUU (Estados Unidos) | USA |
3.5.3 Theme-based vocabulary (Foundation Tier) Identity and culture
Me, my family and friends
Spanish | English |
abuelo, el | grandfather |
adolescente | adolescent |
adolescente, el | teenager |
alegre | happy |
amable | kind |
amistoso | friendly |
amor, el | love |
anciano | (very) old |
anciano, el | old person |
animado | lively |
antipático | unpleasant |
apellido, el | last name |
aspecto, el | appearance, looks |
barba, la | beard |
bebé, el | baby |
besar | to kiss |
beso, el | kiss |
bigote, el | moustache |
calvo | bald |
cara, la | face |
cariño, el | affection |
cariñoso | affectionate, tender |
casado | married |
casamiento, el | wedding |
casarse | to get married |
castaño | chestnut, brown |
compañero, el | friend, mate |
comprender | to understand |
comprensión, la | understanding |
comprensivo | understanding |
conocer | to know, be familiar with, get to know |
consejo, el | advice |
corto | short |
cuidar | to look after |
cumplir años | to have a birthday |
dar las gracias | to thank |
dar un paseo/una vuelta | to go for a stroll/ride |
débil | weak |
deportivo | sporty |
discutir | to discuss |
disputa, la | argument |
echar de menos | to miss someone |
edad, la | age |
egoísta | selfish |
enamorado | in love |
enamorarse | to fall in love |
encontrar(se) | to meet with someone |
fastidiar | to annoy, to bother |
felicidad, la | happiness |
feliz | happy |
fiesta, la | party |
formal | polite |
fuerte | strong |
gafas, las | glasses |
gente, la | people |
gracioso | funny |
guapo | good-looking |
hablador | talkative |
hermanastro, el | stepbrother |
hijo (único), el | (single) child |
hijos, los | children |
hombre, el | man |
honrado | honest |
invitado, el | guest |
joven | young |
joven, el | young person |
jubilado | retired |
jubilado, el | OAP, pensioner |
jubilarse | to retire |
juntos | together |
juventud, la | youth, young people |
largo | long |
liso | straight (hair) |
llamarse | to be called |
llevarse bien/mal con | to get on (well/badly) with someone |
loco | mad |
madrastra, la | stepmother |
maduro | mature |
maleducado | rude |
marido, el | husband |
matrimonio, el | marriage, married couple |
miembro, el | member |
molestar | to bother |
moreno | dark (-haired, -skinned) |
mujer, la | wife; woman |
nacer | to be born |
nacido | born |
nacimiento, el | birth |
nieto, el | grandchild |
niño, el | child |
nombre, el | name |
novio, el | boyfriend |
ocio, el | free time, leisure |
ojo, el | eye |
oreja, la | ear |
padrastro, el | stepfather |
parientes, los | relatives |
pasear | to go for a walk |
paseo, el | outing, stroll, walk |
pecas, las | freckles |
pelea, la | fight |
pelear(se) | to fight |
pelirrojo | red-haired |
pelo, el | hair |
perdonar | to forgive |
perezoso | lazy, idle |
primo, el | cousin |
recuerdo, el | memory |
reírse | to laugh |
reunión, la | get-together |
rico | wealthy |
rizado | curly |
romper | to break |
roto | broken |
rubio | blonde |
sala de fiestas, la | dance hall, nightclub |
salida, la | outing |
salir | to go out |
sentido del humor, el | sense of humour |
sentimiento, el | feeling |
serio | serious, responsible |
simpático | kind, nice, pleasant |
solo | alone |
soltero | single (not married) |
sonreírse | to smile |
tener ganas | to feel like |
tener…años | to be…years old |
tiempo libre, el | free time |
tío, el | uncle |
travieso | naughty, mischievous |
triste | sad |
valiente | brave, bold |
vecino, el | neighbour |
Technology in everyday life
Spanish | English |
acceder | to access |
archivo, el | file |
arroba | @ |
borrar | to erase, delete |
buzón, el | mail box |
cargar | load |
colgar | to put (photos on social media, etc.) |
correo basura, el | spam |
correo electrónico, el | email |
crear | to create |
descargar | to download |
disco duro, el | hard drive |
enviar | to send |
funcionar | to work, to function |
grabar | to record, to burn (a disk) |
guardar | to save |
hablar | to speak, talk |
mandar | to send |
mensaje (de texto), el | text (message) |
muro, el | wall |
navegar | to surf |
ordenador, el | computer |
pantalla, la | screen |
periódico (digital), el | (digital) newspaper |
portátil, el (ordenador) | laptop |
publicar | to publish |
punto | dot, full stop |
puntocom | .com |
ratón, el | mouse |
recibir | to receive |
red, la | network, internet |
red social, la | social network |
revista (digital), la | (digital) magazine, (e-magazine) |
riesgo, el | risk |
sala de chat, la | chat room |
teclado, el | keyboard |
videojuego, el | video game |
Free-time activities
Spanish | English |
artista, el | artist |
a la plancha | grilled |
aceite, el | oil |
actriz, la | actress |
aficionado, el | fond of/keen on/enthusiast |
agua mineral (con/sin gas) (f), el | (fizzy/still) mineral water |
ajo, el | garlic |
al aire libre | outdoors |
alimento, el | foodstuff |
almorzar | to have lunch |
almuerzo, el | lunch |
alpinismo, el | mountain climbing |
andar | to walk |
anuncio (publicitario), el | advert |
apto | suitable |
arroz, el | rice |
atún, el | tuna |
azúcar, el (la) | sugar |
bailar | to dance |
baile, el | dancing |
baloncesto, el | basketball |
barra (de pan), la | (bread) loaf |
batería, la | drums |
beber | to drink |
bebida, la | drink |
bicicleta/bici, la | bicycle, bike |
billar, el | billiards |
bistec, el | steak |
bocadillo, el | sandwich |
calamares, los | squid |
campeón, el | winner, champion |
campeonato, el | championship |
canción, la | song |
cantante, el | singer |
cantar | to sing |
caramelo, el | boiled sweet |
carne, la | meat |
carta, la | menu |
cebolla, la | onion |
cena, la | dinner |
cenar | to have the evening meal |
cerveza, la | beer |
ciencia ficción, la | science fiction |
cocina, la | cuisine, cooking |
cocinar | to cook |
col, la | cabbage |
comer | to eat |
comida (basura/rápida), la | junk/fast food |
comida, la | meal, lunch |
concurso, el | contest, competition |
copa, la | wine glass |
copa, la | cup, trophy |
correr | to run |
cuchara, la | spoon |
cuchillo, el | knife |
cuenta, la | bill |
champiñones, los | mushrooms |
chorizo, el | sausage |
chuleta, la | chop |
churros, los | fritters |
de cerdo | pork |
de cordero | lamb |
de ternera | veal |
de vaca | beef |
deporte, el | sport |
deportista | sporty |
deportista, el/la | sports person |
desayunar | to have breakfast |
desayuno, el | breakfast |
dibujos animados, los | cartoons |
diversión, la | pastime, hobby, entertainment |
divertir(se) | to have a good time |
documental, el | documentary |
dulce | sweet |
elegir | to choose |
en directo | live |
entrada, la | ticket |
equipo, el | team; equipment |
equitación, la | horse riding |
escoger | to choose |
espectáculo, el | show |
estadio, el | stadium |
estrella, la | star |
filete, el | steak |
flan, el | crème caramel |
fresa, la | strawberry |
frito | fried |
galleta, la | biscuit |
gambas, las | prawns |
ganar | to win |
gazpacho, el | cold soup |
gol, el | goal |
grasa, la | fat |
guisantes, los | peas |
heladería, la | ice cream parlour |
helado, el | ice cream |
hielo, el | ice |
historia, la | story |
huevo, el | egg |
incluido | included |
jamón (de york), el | boiled ham |
jamón serrano, el | cured ham |
judías verdes, las | string beans |
juego, el | game, fun, amusement |
Juegos Olímpicos, los | Olympic Games |
jugador, el | player |
jugar | to play |
leche, la | milk |
lechuga, la | lettuce |
legumbres, las | vegetables, pulses |
letra, la | words (of song) |
mantequilla, la | butter |
manzana, la | apple |
marcar (un gol) | to score (a goal) |
mariscos, los | seafood |
merienda, la | snack/picnic |
mermelada, la | jam |
monopatín, el | skateboard |
montar (a caballo, en bici) | to ride (horse/bike) |
nada más | nothing else |
nadar | to swim |
naranja, la | orange |
nata, la | cream |
natación, la | swimming |
noticias, las | news |
papel, el | role |
partido, el | match |
pastel, el | cake, pie |
patata, la | potato |
patinaje, el | skating |
patinar | to skate |
pedir | to order, ask for |
película, la | film |
pelota, la | ball |
pera, la | pear |
perder | to lose |
perrito caliente, el | hot dog |
pesca, la | fishing |
pescado, el | fish |
pescar | to fish |
picante | spicy |
pimienta, la | pepper |
pimiento, el | green pepper |
piña, la | pineapple |
pista de hielo, la | ice rink |
pista, la | track, court, run, slope, rink |
plátano, el | banana |
plato (combinado), el | (set) dish |
policíaco | police (adj) |
pollo, el | chicken |
postre, el | dessert |
probar | to taste, to try |
queso, el | cheese |
rico | tasty |
sal, la | salt |
salado | salty |
salchicha, la | sausage |
salchichón, el | salami |
salsa, la | sauce |
ser aficionado a | to be very keen on/fond of (activity) |
servicios, los | toilets |
sopa, la | soup |
tapas, las | nibbles, bar snacks |
taquilla, la | box office |
té, el | tea |
telenovela, la | soap opera |
tenedor, el | fork |
tener hambre | to be hungry |
tener sed | to be thirsty |
tocar | to play (an instrument), to touch |
tomar | to have, to take |
torneo, el | tournament |
tortilla, la | omelette |
tostada, la | toast |
traer | to bring |
uvas, las | grapes |
vaso, el | glass |
vela, la | sail, sailing |
verduras, las | vegetables |
vino (blanco/rosado/tinto), el | (white/rosé/red) wine |
zanahoria, la | carrot |
zumo (de fruta), el | (fruit) juice |
Customs and festivals in Spanish-speaking countries/communities
Spanish | English |
Año Nuevo, el | New Year |
castañuelas, las | castanets |
corrida, la | bullfight |
costumbre, la | custom, way |
Día de los Muertos, el | All Souls’ Day |
Día de Reyes, el | Epiphany, 6 January |
día festivo, el | public holiday |
feria, la | fair |
fiesta, la | festival |
juguete, el | toy |
Navidad | Christmas |
Nochebuena | Christmas Eve |
Nochevieja | 31 December |
Papá Noel | Father Christmas |
Pascua, la | Easter |
Reyes Magos, los | the Three Kings |
santo, el | saint’s day |
Semana Santa, la | Easter week |
Tomatina, la | tomato throwing festival |
tener suerte | to be lucky |
torero, el | bullfighter |
toro, el | bull | Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Home, town, neighbourhood and region
Spanish | English |
a mitad de precio | half price |
abrigo, el | coat |
afueras, las | outskirts |
ahorrar | to save |
alfombra, la | carpet |
alquilado | rented |
alquilar | to rent, to hire |
alquiler, el | rent |
anuncio, el | advert, announcement |
aparcamiento, el | parking |
árbol, el | tree |
armario, el | wardrobe, cupboard |
arreglar | to tidy; to fix |
ascensor, el | lift, elevator |
aseo, el | bathroom, WC |
ayuntamiento, el | town hall |
bajar | to go down |
bañador, el | swimming costume |
baño, el | bathroom; bath |
barrio, el | neighbourhood |
biblioteca, la | library |
billete, el | banknote |
blusa, la | blouse |
bolera, la | bowling alley |
bolso, el | handbag |
bosque, el | forest, woods |
botas, las | boots |
caja, la | till |
calcetines, los | socks |
calefacción, la | heating |
calle, la | street |
cama, la | bed |
cambio, el | change, exchange |
camisa, la | shirt |
camiseta, la | T-shirt |
campo, el | countryside, grounds |
cancha (de tenis etc), la | court |
carnicería, la | butcher’s |
casa (adosada), la | house (semi-detached) |
céntimo, el | cent |
centro comercial, el | shopping centre |
centro, el | centre, down town |
césped, el | lawn |
chalet/chalé, el | bungalow, house |
chandal, el | tracksuit |
cine, el | cinema |
cinturón, el | belt |
ciudad, la | city |
club (de jóvenes etc), el | (youth) club |
cocina, la | cooker; kitchen |
collar, el | necklace |
comedor, el | dining room |
comisaría, la | police station |
cómodo | comfortable, convenient, handy |
compartir | to share |
comprar | to buy |
compras, las | shopping |
construir | to build |
contar | to count, to tell/recount |
corbata, la | tie |
Correos | Post Office |
cortar | to cut, to mow |
cortina, la | curtain |
cosa, la | thing |
costar | to be difficult/hard |
cuarto de baño, el | bathroom |
dar a | to look onto |
deber | to owe |
descuento, el | discount |
devolver | to return |
dinero, el | money |
dirección, la | address |
dormitorio, el | bedroom |
ducha, la | shower |
edificio, el | building |
entrada, la | entrance |
entrar | to go in, to enter |
escalera, la | stairs |
espacio, el | space |
estanco, el | tobacconist’s |
estante, el | shelf |
estantería, la | shelves |
estar de moda | to be in fashion |
fábrica, la | factory |
falda, la | skirt |
flor, la | flower |
fregadero, el | kitchen sink |
gastar | to spend money, to use (energy) |
gorra, la | cap |
grandes almacenes, los | department store |
granja, la | farm |
guantes, los | gloves |
habitación, la | room |
habitante, el | inhabitant |
hacer cola | to queue |
hacer la(s) compra(s) | to do the shopping |
iglesia, la | church |
joyería, la | jeweller’s |
juguetería, la | toy shop |
lado, el | side |
lago, el | lake |
lavabo, el | washbasin |
lavadora, la | washing machine |
lavaplatos, el | dishwasher |
lavar | to wash |
libra (esterlina), la | pound (sterling) |
librería, la | bookcase |
librería, la | bookshop |
limpio | clean |
llave, la | key |
llevar (puesto) | to wear |
luz, la | light |
maquillaje, el | make-up |
máquina, la | machine |
mercado, el | market |
mesa, la | table |
mezquita, la | mosque |
microondas, el | microwave oven |
moda, la | fashion |
monedero, el | purse |
mostrar | to show |
muebles, los | furniture |
museo, el | museum |
nevera, la | fridge |
paga, la | pocket money |
pagar | to pay |
panadería, la | bakery |
pantalón corto, el | shorts |
papelera, la | wastepaper basket |
papelería, la | stationery shop |
paraguas, el | umbrella |
pared, la | wall |
parque infantil, el | playground |
pasillo, el | corridor |
pastelería, la | pastry shop |
peluquería, la | hairdresser’s |
pendientes, los | earrings |
pescadería, la | fish monger’s |
pintado | painted |
piso, el | floor; flat |
planta baja, la | ground floor |
planta, la | floor |
planta, la | plant |
plaza de toros, la | bull ring |
plaza, la | square |
población, la | population |
polideportivo, el | sports centre |
ponerse | to put on (clothes) |
precio, el | price |
propio | own |
pueblo, el | village; people, nation |
puente, el | bridge |
puerta, la | door |
puerto, el | port, harbour |
rebajar | to reduce (price; weight) |
rebajas, las | sales |
recibo, el | receipt |
regalar | to give a present |
regalo, el | present, gift |
reloj, el | watch |
repartir | to deliver |
río, el | river |
ropa (de marca), la | (designer) clothes |
ruido, el | noise |
ruidoso | noisy |
salón, el | lounge |
sentarse | to sit down |
sierra, la | mountain range |
silla, la | chair |
sillón, el | armchair |
subir | to go up |
suelo, el | floor |
sugerir | to suggest |
talla, la | size (clothes) |
tarjeta de crédito, la | credit card |
teatro, el | theatre |
terraza, la | terrace |
tienda de comestibles, la | grocery store |
tienda de ropa, la | clothes shop |
tienda, la | shop |
vaqueros, los | jeans |
vendedor, el | sales assistant |
vender | to sell |
venta, la | sale |
ventana, la | window |
vestido, el | dress |
vestirse | to get dressed, to dress |
zapatería, la | shoe shop |
zapatillas de deporte, las | trainers |
zapatos, los | shoes |
zona peatonal, la | pedestrian zone/area |
Social issues
Spanish | English |
acostarse | to go to bed |
activo | active |
borracho | drunk |
caer(se) | to fall down |
cansado | tired, tiring |
cansar(se) | to get tired |
cigarrillo, el | cigarette |
contribuir | to contribute |
corazón, el | heart |
cuerpo, el | body |
despertarse | to wake up |
doler | to hurt |
dolor, el | pain, ache |
dormir(se) | to sleep; to fall asleep |
droga (blanda/dura), la | (soft/hard) drug |
drogarse | to take drugs |
ejercicio (físico), el | (physical) exercise |
emborracharse | to get drunk |
encontrarse bien/mal | to feel well/ill |
enfermedad, la | illness |
enfermo | ill |
entrenamiento, el | training |
entrenar(se) | to train |
equilibrado | balanced |
estar bien / mal | to be well/ill |
estar en forma | to be fit |
estrés, el | stress |
estresante | stressing, stressful |
evitar | to avoid |
formar parte | to be part of |
fumador (pasivo), el | (passive) smoker |
fumar | to smoke |
humo, el | smoke |
levantarse | to get up |
malsano | unhealthy |
mantenerse en forma | to keep fit/in shape |
mejorar(se) | to get better |
morir | to die |
muerto | dead |
necesidad, la | need |
obra benéfica, la | charity |
oler | to smell |
olor, el | smell |
organización benéfica, la | charitable organisation |
organizar | to organise |
participación, la | participation, taking part |
poco sano | not healthy |
posibilidad, la | possibility |
propósito, el | aim, purpose, objective |
pulmones, los | lungs |
residencia (para ancianos), la | old people’s home |
respirar | to breathe |
salud, la | health |
saludable | healthy |
sano | healthy, wholesome |
sida, el | AIDS |
tener dolor (de) ... | to have a pain (in) … |
tener sueño | to feel sleepy |
tentación, la | temptation |
tienda con fines benéficos, la | charity shop |
tienda solidaria, la | charity shop |
vida, la | life |
vivo | alive |
voluntario | voluntary |
voluntario, el | volunteer |
Global issues
Spanish | English |
aumentar | to increase |
basura, la | rubbish, garbage |
belleza, la | beauty |
beneficiar | to benefit |
cambio climático, el | climate change |
campaña, la | campaign |
cartón, el | cardboard |
combustible, el | fuel |
contenedor, el | container |
culpa, la | fault, blame, guilt |
cultivar | to till, to grow, to cultivate |
cultivo, el | crop |
dañar | to harm, to damage |
daño, el | harm, damage |
derechos, los | rights |
desaparecer | to disappear |
desarrollo, el | development |
ducharse | to have a shower |
encender | to turn on (lights, TV etc) |
encuesta, la | poll, survey |
escaso | scarce, meagre |
extranjero, el | foreigner |
falta, la | lack |
faltar | to be missing |
fuego, el | fire |
gobierno, el | government |
grave | serious |
injusto | unjust, unfair |
inquietante | worrying, disturbing |
inquietar(se) | to worry, to upset oneself |
justo | just, fair |
ladrón, el | thief |
ley, la | law |
libertad, la | liberty, freedom |
luchar | to fight, to struggle |
malgastar | to waste, to misuse, to squander |
matar | to kill |
medio ambiente, el | environment |
medioambiental | environmental |
mundial | global, world-wide |
mundo, el | world |
naturaleza, la | nature |
necesitados, los | needy people |
pájaro, el | bird |
peligro, el | danger |
peligroso | dangerous |
petróleo, el | oil |
pila, la | battery |
pobre | poor |
pobreza, la | poverty |
preocupación, la | worry, anxiety |
preocupado | worried, anxious |
preocupante | worrying |
productos químicos, los | chemicals |
proteger | to protect |
químico (adj) | chemical |
recargable | rechargeable |
reciclaje, el | recycling |
reciclar | to recycle |
recoger | to collect, to gather, to pick up |
recurso, el | resource |
renovable | renewable |
reutilizar | to reuse |
robar | to steal |
robo, el | theft, burglary |
salvar | to save |
solucionar | to solve, to resolve |
sucio | dirty |
Tierra, la | Earth |
tirar | to throw (away) |
utilizar | to use |
ventaja, la | advantage |
violencia, la | violence |
Travel and tourism
Spanish | English |
(no) fumador | (non) smoking |
a mano derecha/izquierda | on the right-/left-hand side |
a pie | on foot, walking |
aeropuerto, el | airport |
agencia (de viajes), la | travel agent’s |
aire acondicionado, el | air-conditioning |
albergue juvenil, el | youth hostel |
alemán | German |
Alemania | Germany |
alojamiento, el | accommodation |
alojarse | to lodge, to stay |
ambiente, el | atmosphere |
andén, el | platform |
aparcar | to park |
asiento, el | seat |
autocar, el | coach |
autopista, la | motorway |
avión, el | airplane, aeroplane |
bañarse | to bathe, to swim |
barco, el | boat |
billete (de ida/de ida y vuelta), el | (single/return) ticket |
británico | British |
buscar | to look for |
cama de matrimonio, la | double bed |
cambiar | to change |
caminar | to walk |
camino, el | path, route |
camping, el | camp site; camping |
Canarias, las Islas | Canary Islands |
carnet de conducir, el | driving licence |
carnet de identidad, el | identity card |
carnet, el | pass; card |
carretera, la | highway |
coche, el | car |
coger | to take, to catch |
conducir | to drive, to lead |
conductor, el | driver |
consigna, la | left luggage office |
crema solar, la | suncream |
crucero, el | cruise |
cruzar | to cross |
cheque (de viaje), el | travellers’ cheque |
deportes acuáticos, los | water sports |
descansar | to rest |
descanso, el | rest, pause |
dirección, la | management |
disponible | available |
doblar | to turn |
equipaje, el | luggage |
escocés | Scot, Scottish |
Escocia | Scotland |
España | Spain |
español | Spanish |
esperar | to wait |
esquí, el | skiing |
esquiar | to ski |
estación (de autobuses/trenes), la | (bus/coach/train) station |
estación de servicio, la | service station |
Estados Unidos, los | United States |
estar de vacaciones | to be on holiday |
Europa | Europe |
europeo | European |
excursión, la | trip, excursion |
extranjero (en el _, al _) | abroad |
ferrocarril, el | railways |
ficha, la | registration form |
folleto, el | leaflet, pamphlet |
francés | French |
Francia | France |
Gales | Wales |
galés | Welsh |
gasolina (sin plomo), la | (unleaded) petrol |
Gran Bretaña | Great Britain |
Grecia | Greece |
griego | Greek |
guía, el | guide |
guía, la | guidebook |
habitación (doble/individual), la | (single/double) room |
informar(se) | to find out |
Inglaterra | England |
inglés | English |
instalaciones, las | facilities |
Irlanda | Ireland |
irlandés | Irish |
isla, la | island |
latinoamericano | Latin-American |
libre | available |
Londres | London |
llegada, la | arrival |
llegar | to arrive |
llevar | to take |
maleta, la | suitcase |
máquina (de fotos), la | camera |
mar, el | sea |
media pensión | half board |
Mediterráneo, el | Mediterranean Sea |
metro, el | underground |
montaña, la | mountain |
norteamericano | North American |
país, el | country |
papel higiénico, el | toilet paper |
parada, la | stop |
parador, el | state owned hotel (in Spain) |
parar | to stop |
parque de atracciones, el | fairground, funfair |
parque temático, el | theme park |
pasajero, el | passenger |
pasar | to spend time; to go through; to pass |
paso subterráneo, el | underpass, subway |
pensión completa | full board |
pensión, la | boarding house |
perder | to lose; to miss |
perderse | to get lost |
permiso de conducir, el | driving licence |
playa, la | beach |
postal, la | postcard |
quedarse | to stay |
recepción, la | reception |
recordar | to remember |
recuerdo, el | souvenir |
regresar | to go back |
regreso, el | return |
relajarse | to relax |
reserva, la | reservation |
reservar | to book, to reserve |
retraso, el | delay |
sacar (fotos) | to take photos |
saco de dormir, el | sleeping bag |
sala de espera, la | waiting room |
salida, la | exit |
señal, la | sign, signal |
sitio, el | space, room |
sitio, el | place, site |
sudamericano | South American |
taquilla, la | ticket office |
tardar | to take time |
tarjeta, la | card, postcard |
tienda, la | tent |
tomar el sol | to sunbathe |
torcer | to turn |
tranvía, el | tram |
vacaciones, las | holidays |
venir | to come |
ver | to see |
vía, la | track, lane |
viajar | to travel |
viaje, el | trip, journey |
viajero, el | traveller |
vista, la | view |
volver | to return |
vuelo, el | flight | Current and future study and employment
My studies
Spanish | English |
alemán, el | German |
arte dramático, el | drama |
asignatura, la | school subject |
ciencias económicas, las | economics |
ciencias, las | science |
cocina, la | food technology |
comercio, el | business studies |
dibujo, el | drawing/art |
director, el | head teacher, principal |
enseñar | to teach |
español, el | Spanish |
francés, el | French |
gimnasia, la | gymnastics |
idioma, el | language |
informática, la | IT |
inglés, el | English |
lengua, la | language, tongue |
nota, la | mark |
química, la | chemistry |
sacar buenas/malas notas | to get good/bad marks |
taller, el | workshop |
tarea, la | task/homework |
trabajador | hard working |
trabajos manuales, los | handicrafts |
Life at school/college
Spanish | English |
acoso (escolar), el | (school) bullying |
agenda, la | diary |
alumno, el | pupil, student |
aprender | to learn |
aprobar | to approve, to pass (an exam) |
apuntes, los | notes |
aula (f), el | schoolroom |
ausente | absent |
ayuda, la | help |
ayudar | to help |
bachillerato, el | school leaving exam/baccalaureate |
biología, la | biology |
bolígrafo, el | pen |
callar(se) | to shut up |
campo de deportes, el | sports field |
colegio, el | school |
comportamiento, el | behaviour |
comportarse | to behave |
conducta, la | behaviour, conduct |
contestar | to answer |
charlar | to chat |
chicle, el | chewing gum |
deberes, los | homework |
desobediente | disobedient |
dibujar | to draw |
diseñar | to design |
educativo | educational |
entender | to understand |
escribir | to write |
escuela, la | school |
estuche, el | pencil case |
evaluación, la | assessment |
examen, el | examination |
éxito, el | success |
explicación, la | explanation |
explicar | to explain |
falta, la | mistake; absence |
faltar | to be absent |
fracasar | to fail |
fracaso, el | failure |
gimnasio, el | gymnasium |
instituto, el | secondary school, institute |
intercambio, el | exchange |
lápices de colores, los | colour pencils |
lección, la | lesson |
leer | to read |
letra, la | letter of the alphabet |
levantar la mano | to put your hand up |
libro, el | book |
masculino | masculine |
mirar | to look |
mochila, la | rucksack, school bag |
molestar | to annoy, to bother |
nivel, el | level |
obligatorio | compulsory |
oír | to listen, to hear |
olvidar | to forget |
página, la | page |
palabra, la | word |
pasar (la) lista | to call the register |
permiso, el | permission |
pizarra interactiva, la | smart board |
pregunta, la | question |
preguntar | to ask a question |
privado | private |
prometer | to promise, to show promise |
prueba, la | test, proof |
recreo, el | break, recess, playtime, recreation |
regla, la | rule; ruler |
repartir | to hand out |
repasar | to revise |
respuesta, la | answer |
resumen, el | summary |
reunión, la | meeting |
rutina, la | routine |
sala de profesores, la | staffroom |
salón de actos, el | hall, assembly room |
sobresaliente | outstanding |
suspender | to fail (exam/subject) |
tema, el | topic, theme |
tener miedo | to be afraid |
terminar | to finish |
trabajo, el | work |
trimestre, el | (school) term, three month period |
vestuarios, los | changing rooms |
Education post-16
Spanish | English |
a tiempo completo | full time |
a tiempo parcial | part time |
aprendiz, el | apprentice |
aprendizaje, el | apprenticeship, training, learning |
calificado | competent, skilled, qualified |
carrera, la | career; profession |
comienzo, el | beginning, start |
conocimientos, los | knowledge |
conseguir | to get, to achieve |
dejar | to leave |
esperar | to hope; to expect |
experiencia laboral, la | work experience |
tomar un año libre/sabático | to take a gap year |
útil | useful |
Jobs, career choices and ambitions
Spanish | English |
ama de casa, el (f) | housewife |
bombero, el | firefighter |
cajero, el | bank-teller, cashier |
camarero, el | waiter |
carnicero, el | butcher |
carta, la | letter |
cita, la | appointment |
cocinero, el | cook |
comerciante, el | merchant, retailer, shop owner |
comercio, el | commerce, trade |
contrato, el | contract |
correo, el | post |
dependiente, el | shop assistant |
ejecutivo, el | executive, officer |
electricista, el | electrician |
empleado, el | employee, worker |
empleo, el | job, employment |
empresa, la | company |
encontrar | to find |
enfermero, el | nurse |
entrevista, la | interview |
escritor, el | writer |
estar en paro | to be unemployed |
ganar | to earn |
hombre de negocios, el | businessman |
horas de trabajo flexibles, las | flexitime |
ingeniero, el | engineer (civil/mechanical) |
jardinero, el | gardener |
jefe, el | boss |
laboral | working |
línea, la | line |
llamada, la | call |
llamar por teléfono | to telephone |
llegar a ser | to become |
militar, el | serviceman, soldier |
objetivo, el | aim, objective |
obrero, el | workman |
obtener | to get, to obtain |
panadero, el | baker |
parado | unemployed |
paro, el | unemployment |
peluquero, el | hairdresser |
periodismo, el | journalism |
periodista, el | journalist |
pintor, el | painter, artist |
policía, el | police officer |
pronto | ready |
sello, el | stamp |
sobre, el | envelope |
soldado, el | soldier |
teletrabajo, el | work from home |
título, el | university degree |
trabajador, el | worker |
trabajar | to work |
traductor, el | translator |
triunfar | to triumph, to succeed |
veterinario, el | veterinary surgeon |
3.5.4 Theme-based vocabulary (Higher Tier) Identity and culture
Me, my family and friends
Spanish | English |
acoger | to receive, to welcome |
aconsejar | to advise |
acordar | to agree on |
agradecer | to thank |
aguantar | to bear, to put up with |
anillo, el | ring |
apodo, el | nickname |
atrevido | cheeky, insolent, bold, daring |
avaro | mean, miserly |
barrera generacional, la | generation gap |
boda, la | wedding |
callado | quiet, reserved |
celoso | jealous |
cobarde | coward |
comprometerse | to get engaged |
compromiso, el | engagement |
confianza, la | trust |
confiar | to trust |
cortés | polite |
cuidadoso | careful |
demás, los | other people |
despedir(se) | to say goodbye |
disculpar(se) | to apologise |
educado | polite |
esposo, el | husband, spouse |
estado civil, el | marital status |
gemelo, el | twin |
género, el | gender |
glotón | greedy |
hogar, el | home |
huérfano, el | orphan |
llorar | to cry |
maltratar | to mistreat, abuse |
maltrato, el | mistreatment, abuse |
muchacho, el | lad |
ocuparse de | to look after |
orgulloso | proud |
parecerse a | to look like |
pareja, la | couple; partner |
relacionarse con | to make contact with, to get on with (people) |
seguro de sí mismo | self-assured |
sensible | sensitive |
sobrino, el | nephew |
torpe | clumsy |
tratarse (de, con) | to treat each other, to have dealings with |
vago | idle, lazy |
viudo, el | widower |
Technology in everyday life
Spanish | English |
adjuntar | to attach |
buscador, el | search engine |
contraseña, la | password |
desactivar | to block (screen) |
guión, el | hyphen |
guión bajo, el | underscore |
herramienta, la | tool |
inalámbrico | wireless |
internauta, el | Internet user |
marcador, el | bookmark |
navegador, el | browser |
portada, la | homepage |
reproductor, el | widget |
servidor de seguridad, el | firewall |
usuario, el | user |
Free-time activities
Spanish | English |
actuación, la | performance, role |
alimentación, la | food, nourishment |
apetecer | to fancy, to feel like |
asado | roast(ed) |
bacalao, el | cod |
banda sonora, la | soundtrack |
carrera, la | race |
deportes de riesgo, los | adventure sports |
función, la | show, performance |
grabación, la | recording |
hacer cola | to queue |
hervido | boiled |
melocotón, el | peach |
merendar | to have a snack/picnic |
merluza, la | hake |
nuez, la | nut, walnut |
piragüismo, el | canoeing |
premio, el | prize |
propina, la | tip |
sabroso | tasty |
selección, la | team, side |
socio, el | member |
trama, la | plot |
Customs and festivals in Spanish-speaking countries/communities
Spanish | English |
bandera, la | flag |
Día de los Inocentes | 28 December (equivalent of April Fools' Day) |
disfraz, el | fancy dress |
disfrazarse de | to dress up as |
fecha patria, la | national day to commemorate historic event |
gaucho, el | cowboy |
mariachi, el | Mexican musician |
muñeca, la | doll |
paso, el | statue paraded at Easter |
villancico, el | Christmas carol | Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Home, town, neighbourhood and region
Spanish | English |
aldea, la | village |
bufanda, la | scarf |
butaca, la | armchair |
camisón, el | nightgown |
cazadora, la | (leather) jacket |
comunidad, la | community |
concurrido | busy, crowded |
de lujo | luxury |
domicilio, el | address, home |
electrodomésticos, los | (electrical) appliances |
en efectivo | cash |
enseñar | to show |
espejo, el | mirror |
esquina, la | corner |
horno, el | oven |
manta, la | blanket |
medias, las | stockings |
moqueta, la | fitted carpet |
mudarse (de casa) | to move house |
negocio, el | business |
paisaje, el | landscape, scenery |
panty, el | tights |
persianas, las | shutters, venetian blinds |
probarse | to try on |
rebeca, la | cardigan |
reembolso, el | refund |
reparto a domicilio, el | home delivery |
semáforo, el | traffic lights |
sótano, el | basement, cellar |
sudadera, la | sweatshirt |
surtido, el | range, supply, stock |
tamaño, el | size |
vestíbulo, el | entrance hall, lobby, foyer |
vivienda, la | dwelling, housing, accommodation |
Social issues
Spanish | English |
advertir | to warn |
asco, el | disgust |
asqueroso | disgusting |
ataque cardíaco, el | heart attack |
aviso, el | warning, notice |
botellón, el | drinking party in the street |
cerebro, el | brain |
dedicar(se) | to do, to go in for, to devote oneself |
dolor de oídos, el | earache |
esfuerzo, el | effort |
hacer daño | to injure, to harm |
hígado, el | liver |
ONG, la | NGO (non-governmental organisation) |
porro, el | joint |
primeros auxilios, los | first aid |
propósito, el | aim, purpose, objective |
provocar | to cause, to provoke |
respiratorio | respiratory |
seropositivo | HIV positive |
sobrepeso, el | overweight, obesity |
síndrome de abstinencia, el | withdrawal symptoms |
tabaquismo, el | addiction to tobacco |
Global issues
Spanish | English |
agotar | to exhaust, use up |
agujero, el | hole |
amenazar | to threaten |
apagar | to turn off (lights, etc) |
arruinar | to ruin, to destroy |
atasco, el | traffic jam |
aumento, el | increase |
beneficio, el | benefit |
calentamiento global, el | global warming |
capa de ozono, la | ozone layer |
combatir | to fight, to combat |
cometer | to commit |
consumo, el | consumption |
desechos, los | rubbish, waste |
desigualdad, la | inequality |
desperdicio, el | waste, rubbish, squandering |
echar la culpa | to blame |
efecto invernadero, el | greenhouse effect |
ensuciar | to make dirty, to soil, to make a mess |
envase, el | wrapping, packaging; container |
escasez, la | shortage, want, lack |
estropear | to ruin, to spoil |
gamberro, el | hooligan, lout, troublemaker |
gases de escape, los | exhaust fumes |
huracán, el | hurricane |
igualdad, la | equality |
incendio, el | fire |
inundación, la | flood |
lluvia ácida, la | acid rain |
marea negra, la | oil spill |
multa, la | fine |
nocivo | harmful |
petrolero, el | oil tanker |
prejuicio, el | prejudice |
residuos, los | refuse, waste, rubbish |
selva, la | jungle, tropical forest |
sequía, la | drought |
“sin techo”, los | homeless people |
testigo, el | witness |
vertedero, el | rubbish dump, tip |
Travel and tourism
Spanish | English |
abanico, el | fan |
aduana, la | customs |
avería, la | breakdown, fault |
averiado | broken down |
bonobús, el | bus pass |
broncearse | to get a tan |
camión, el | lorry |
casco, el | helmet |
castellano | Castillian, Spanish spoken in Spain |
cinturón de seguridad, el | seat belt |
cruce, el | crossroads, intersection |
decepcionar | to disappoint |
detener(se) | to stop |
DNI | ID card |
hacer transbordo | to change, to transfer |
insolación, la | sunstroke |
motor, el | engine |
queja, la | complaint |
quejarse | to complain |
rueda, la | wheel |
sombrilla, la | sunshade, parasol | Current and future study and employment
My studies
Spanish | English |
atento | attentive |
optar | to choose, to opt for |
optativo | optional |
riguroso | severe, harsh |
sencillo | simple, easy |
Life at school/college
Spanish | English |
apoyar | to support, to back, to help |
apoyo, el | help, support, backing |
carpeta, la | folder, file |
castigar | to punish |
castigo, el | punishment |
despacho, el | office |
enseñanza, la | teaching; education |
entregar | to hand in |
esforzarse | to make an effort |
golpear | to hit |
intimidación, la | bullying |
lectura, la | reading |
pedir prestado | to borrow |
tijeras, las | scissors |
traducir | to translate |
Education post-16
Spanish | English |
academia, la | academy, school post-16 (for certain careers) |
derecho, el | law (at university) |
formación (profesional), la | vocational training |
lograr | to achieve |
perspectiva, la | prospects, outlook, future developments |
Jobs, career choices and ambitions
Spanish | English |
abogado, el | lawyer, solicitor |
albañil, el | brick-layer, building worker |
azafata, la | flight attendant |
bombero, el | firefighter |
camionero, el | lorry driver |
carpintero, el | joiner, carpenter |
cartero, el | postman |
contable, el | accountant |
ejército, el | army |
encargado, el | person in charge |
encargarse (de) | to be in charge of |
estar en huelga | to be on strike |
expectativa, la | hope, prospect |
gerente, el | manager |
granjero, el | farmer |
probar | to have a go; to try |
rellenar | to fill in |
solicitar | to apply |
solicitud, la | (job) application |
sueldo, el | wages, salary |