Flowers, insects and pollinators

Level: Level Two

In successfully completing this unit, the learner will haveEvidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1. dissect a flower to examine its anatomy

Summary sheet

shown knowledge of

2. the five main parts of a flower, eg stigma, ovary, ovule, anther and petals and their respective functions

Student completed work

3. what a pollinator is and why they are important

Student completed work

4. why flowers are often colourful and sweet-smelling

Student completed work

5. seven examples of a pollinator, eg birds, bees and the wind

Student completed work

6. the six main components of an arthropod, ie head, thorax, abdomen, legs, antennae and wings

Student completed work

7. what an exoskeleton is

Student completed work

acquired an understanding of

8. how to encourage pollinators such as bees into the garden

Summary sheet

9. a butterfly's and silkworm's lifecycles

Summary sheet

10. what is meant by ecdysis

Student completed work


11. exploring the garden for 10 different types of flower.

Student completed work

Approved 03 Aug 2017

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