Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1give three examples of events which are certainStudent completed work
2give three examples of events which are impossibleStudent completed work
3give three examples of events which are equally likelyStudent completed work
4classify at least ten given events into at least three given categories, eg certain, likely, unlikelyStudent completed work
5record at least five given events on a probability scale, 0 to 1Student completed work
6throw a coin thirty times and record the results ie how many times it falls 'heads' and how many times it falls 'tails'Student completed work
7draw a bar chart to show the results from throwing the coinStudent completed work
8explain the results obtained when throwing a coinStudent completed work
9throw a fair 6-sided die sixty times and record the experimental probability of each outcomeStudent completed work
10throw a biased 6-sided die sixty times and record the experimental probability of each outcomeStudent completed work
11use the previous experimental probabilities to work out the expected frequency on at least five occasionsStudent completed work
12present the results from the fair die experiment pictoriallyStudent completed work
13present the results from the biased die experiment pictoriallyStudent completed work

acquired an understanding of

14the difference between a fair die and a biased die.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 12 October 2017Level - Entry Level