The emergency services' roles and personnel

Level: Entry Level

If successfully completing this unit, the Learner will haveEvidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1. distinguish between emergency and non emergency

Summary sheet

2. decide which emergency service to call to six different emergencies

Summary sheet

shown knowledge of

3. three pieces of equipment a fire fighter would use

Student completed work

4. three pieces of equipment a police office would use

Student completed work

5. three pieces of equipment a paramedic would use

Student completed work

6. the uniform of a fire fighter

Summary sheet

7. the uniform of a paramedic

Summary sheet

8. the uniform of a police officer

Summary sheet

9. the main vehicles used by each emergency service

Summary sheet


10. making a mock 999 call

Summary sheet

11. examining three pieces of police equipment

Summary sheet

12. preparing for and having a discussion with a police officer.

Summary sheet

Approved 24 Jan 2018

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