2.0 Specification at a glance

This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams and submit all their non-exam assessment at the end of the course.

2.1 Subject content

2.2 Assessments

Paper 1

What's assessed

  • Core technical principles
  • Specialist technical principles
  • Designing and making principles
In addition:
  • at least 15% of the exam will assess maths
  • at least 10% of the exam will assess science.

How it's assessed

  • Written exam: 2 hours
  • 100 marks
  • 50% of GCSE


Section A – Core technical principles (20 marks)

A mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions assessing a breadth of technical knowledge and understanding.

Section B – Specialist technical principles (30 marks)

Several short answer questions (2–5 marks) and one extended response to assess a more in depth knowledge of technical principles.

Section C – Designing and making principles (50 marks)

A mixture of short answer and extended response questions.

Non-exam assessment (NEA)

What's assessed

Practical application of:

  • Core technical principles
  • Specialist technical principles
  • Designing and making principles

How it's assessed

  • Non-exam assessment (NEA): 30–35 hours approx
  • 100 marks
  • 50% of GCSE


  • Substantial design and make task
  • Assessment criteria:
    • Identifying and investigating design possibilities
    • Producing a design brief and specification
    • Generating design ideas
    • Developing design ideas
    • Realising design ideas
    • Analysing & evaluating
  • In the spirit of the iterative design process, the above should be awarded holistically where they take place and not in a linear manner
  • Contextual challenges to be released annually by AQA on 1 June in the year prior to the submission of the NEA
  • Students will produce a prototype and a portfolio of evidence
  • Work will be marked by teachers and moderated by AQA